his favorite thing about you

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axl: The way you throw your head back and clap when you laugh. You absolutely hate it, but there's something about it that he finds so...hot. He loves everything about your laugh in general.

duff: Your heart. He loves that he's found a girl who's heart bigger than the world. Who's there to calm him down and get his head out of the colloids when the fame gets to his head.

izzy: Your sense of humor. You two love to play pranks on each other and make each other laugh with your corny jokes.

slash: You're not bothered by his fame. You could really care less about Slash's money or fame. You love him for him, and that's what he loves the most about you. You'd love him no matter what.

steven: Your love for the fans. If you and Steven are on a date together, you don't mind if a fan comes up and asks for a picture or an autograph. You were a fangirl once too. You get where they're coming from.

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