"i love you"

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axl: He says it meaningfully, whispered late at night while he watches you sleep peacefully in your bed. He pushes your hair back from your face, smiling down at you as he says it. He thinks you're beautiful when you sleep.

duff: He says it softly, holding you a little tighter in his arms as the movie plays and you cuddle into his side. He chuckles at you, thinking that you are absolutely adorable as you hush him, paying close attention to the film.

izzy: He says it in between fits of laughter, too self-proud to say sorry for the prank he pulled on you and instead resourcing to the three words. And you stand there soaked, glaring at the older boy on the floor laughing, shaking your head disapprovingly. And he just repeats the words before bursting into another fit of laughter.

slash: He says it honestly, in the middle of a heated argument. He can't bear the thought of you hating him, and the words slip out of his mouth before he can stop them, and immediately, he regrets them, afraid that you'll get more annoyed at him.

steven: He says it quietly, hoping that you won't hear him. A shade of crimson red creeps up onto his pale cheeks and he tries to hide the blush from you, but you can still see it. You were speechless as the words left his lips for the first time, filling your ears.

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