he tries to win you back after a breakup

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axl: You roll your eyes when you see another magazine with Axl on the cover and a new to for the weekend. She's a winner. You chuckle, setting the magazine back on the racks before leaving the store to head back to your apartment. You feel like someone's following you but when you turn around, there's no one there. You push your door open, shutting it with your foot before dropping your groceries to the floor. There are hundreds of lilies and orchids in your living room, Axl standing where your coffee table used to be. "What the fuck?" you ask and Axl  gives you a shy smile. "I... just, let me talk" he says softly and while you just want to kick him out of your apartment for being a prick, you let him talk. "I was an idiot... clearly. I thought maybe I could get over you but that was also stupid. Getting over you is impossible, it's just... can't happen. I know I made a mistake but I was scared. I'm in this hugely popular band and I have all these feelings for my girlfriend I've never felt before and I'm only in my twenties. I should be out there fucking everything with a pulse but instead, I only want to be with one girl, all I want to do is marry you" he explains, cringing because it didn't come out how he intended but you understand what he means. "Give me one chance to prove I'm not scared anymore. Give me one chance to prove I'm ready for this, for us to be this serious. Give me a chance for you to trust again" he pleads, dropping to his knees in front of you as you mull his words over. You shouldn't take him back but it's Axl and you love him. "You have so much making up to do" you tell him and he sighs, standing to kiss you but you shake your head. "No, no kissing... no sex, no nothing until I trust you again" you tell him but he nods because that's fair. When you turn to pick your groceries up, he fist pumps in victory and you smile because there's a mirror by your door so you've seen his victory dance.

duff: You open the door to your apartment before trying to slam it but the hand stops it. You step back as Duff pushes the door open, stepping into your doorway so you can't slam the door again. "I just want to talk with you" Duff says, waiting several awkward minutes for you nod. He looks around the apartment he had grown so found of, watching as you take a seat on the couch he'd made love to you hundreds of times. "I... love you" Duff starts and you roll your eyes while standing. "Just let me talk" he begs, holding your biceps gently. "Ending things was a mistake. I let people get into my head and convince me of things I thought I wanted. The band is important to me and so are the fans but you're important too. I shouldn't have let everyone talk me into ending things; I should have faith that one day, the fans would accept you in my life. I'm sorry I'm a prick, a blind prick. I don't expect you to forgive me right off the bat but if you can find it in you to forgive me at all, I'll take anything I can get" Duff pleads, a few tears filling his eyes and you stare at him. "It's gonna take more than words for me to forgive you" you tell him and he smiles gently. "I'll do anything just please, say you'll take me back" he asks, taking you in his arms cautiously. You nod against his chest because in his arms is the only place you ever want to be.

izzy: You're in the middle of studying when you hear music strumming from outside your window. You try to ignore it but the guitar continues and it's distracting. You throw your pen down on your desk and make your way to the window of your dorm and pull the blinds up to see Izzy. "Girl I love you, there's no one above you. You are the sun, you are the rain. That makes my life this foolish game" he sings, eyes locked on yours as he strums his favorite guitar. You notice others have started to notice him in the late dusk as he sings your favorite Lionel Richie song. You walk away from the window and out the dorm and onto the steps and he smiles. You stay in place as he continues to sing, stepping closer to you until he's right in front of you. "I'm sorry" he says simply, still strumming softly and you let the few tears slip down your cheeks. He reaches up to wipe them away, cradling your cheek with his hand before leaning forward. "I messed up but I love you. You're my everything, you're the only thing that's right in my life. Give me another chance to prove it?" he asks gently and you nod. He smiles, setting his forehead against yours before pressing his lips to yours softly.

slash: You're sitting across from him as he is trying to win you back. He showed up to your apartment hours ago but he still hadn't convinced you to move back in with him. "I can't Saul," you say repeatedly as you shake your head in disagreement. "(y/n) please, I've spent the last four months in absolute misery," he confesses. "And how do you think I felt, sitting in your house, knowing that you were off in other states, screwing around with other girls, and getting caught!" you shout. Your words pierce him as he begins to cry. "(y/n) please, I can't do this without you. I can't be without you. I just can't," he says as his tears begin to fall from his face. This was the first time he had cried as he was apologizing. His sincerity was obvious, but you were still hesitant as you wiped the tears from his face. "(y/n) I'm sorry.." he begins to say. "I know you are," you say wrapping your arms around him to comfort him. "But you cheated on me, in public" you emphasize still holding onto him, getting use to his embrace again. "You have to believe me when I say it was the worst mistake of my life, that none of it meant a thing, and that I still love you with everything I have (y/n)," he confesses again. You lift his hanging head with your fingers and stare into his sorrowful eyes, reading his sympathy like a book. You gently place your lips onto his, letting him know he had won.

steven: He had requested you come to dinner with him, one last time before he promised to leave you alone, since you had no intentions of taking him back. You agreed for one last dinner and made your way to Le Gavroche. You had insisted something simple, but Steven wouldn't have it. As you pull into the parking lot he is at your door before you can shut the car off. He opens the door and you roll your eyes. Chivalry was dead and you knew it. As the hostess takes you to your reserved table, Steven shoots you a smile, only to be rejected by your glare. He pulls your chair out for you before taking his own and opens up the menu. "You know I love you," he says peering over his menu at you. "Didn't seem like it when you had that girl in my bed," you scoff showing off the same attitude you had had since you caught him cheating. He hangs his head and puts the menu down. "How many times do I have to apologize for that?" he asks desperately. "As many times as you want I guess, you're still going to get the same result from me," you answer. "(Y/N) seriously what do I have to do? I love you with everything I have. I made the worst mistake of my life, and now you don't trust me and it's killing me," he confesses. You sit in silence as he continues, "There's nothing on this Earth that I want more than for you to be back in my life. This had been the worst three months of my life. I need you." You look up at him as tears begin to fall from his eyes. You unfold your napkin to wipe them away. He grabs your hand and kisses it, causing your arm to tingle as you pull back. You stare into his sorrowful eyes, knowing that he means every word he's just said. You close your eyes in defeat and take his hand to comfort him.

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