you over hear him talking about you

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Axl: 'Sometimes I'm scared you know...' He was talking to Izzy and you just were about to enter the room, when you stopped and listened to what he was going to say. 'Scared that she'll have enough of it at some point. Enough of all this. And she'll just run.' His voice was soft, somehow it sounded sad. 'You know she would never do that...' Izzy tried to comfort him. 'Yeah... of course... everyone says that. But she's not like this. She's not like us. She's not like any other person I know. She doesn't care for fame or people knowing her. She hates it. Sometimes I just wonder if she's ever going to snap. I can see it coming. I see it everytime we get mobbed or when people write bad things about her. It's so frustrating. I don't... I really don't want to lose her. But I'm scared I will at some point. And who am I to stop her?'. 'Well... You are my boyfriend.' You entered the room and the boys both looked up. 'You will never have to stop me from doing something like that. I love you. Don't you worry about those things.' You walked over to him and kissed him on his lips. 'I love you. I'm never going to leave you because I don't like the fame and the hate. I like you for you. And I want to be with you.'. 'Ok... I think I'm going to leave you two for a second.' Izzy stood up and walked to the door. 'I'm glad to say I told you so, Axl' He yelled, before he disappeared. Axl pulled you into his chest and you could feel the fear he had build up for quite some time. 'I love you so so much. My head just has those moments once in a while. I'm so happy with you. I don't want to lose this.' He whispered in your hair. 'You won't... ever!' And you meant that, every word you meant with all your heart.

Duff: The boys were over in the house you and Duff shared. You were working upstairs and when you were done you decided to join the boys. But when you went down the stairs, you heard Duff talking about you. 'And the thing is, that sometimes she annoys the shit out of me. But it's the same with her you know... I'm really positive sometimes she wants to punch me in the face. But somehow the moment she's gone, or the moments that I do have to miss her... It all just feels wrong.' You smiled because you felt exactly the same way. 'So when you two have a fight where you start throwing things at each other, like yesterday, we don't have to worry?' Steven smirked. The boys laughed and you giggled as well, soft enough so they wouldn't hear you. 'You don't have to worry at all indeed. I would never hurt her... if that's what you mean. That's just our way to let out our frustrations. The making up part after the storm is twice as good after such a fight. So just let us be. Where good!' Duff said with a big smile on his face. 'And during all the yelling and the screaming and the throwing, I can't stop thinking about how completely in love I am with her.'

Izzy: You were on the tour bus, sleeping in Izzy's bed. Oh well... Sleeping... You woke up a second ago and before you wanted to turn yourself to try for another sleep, you heard Izzy's voice snap. 'Don't you dare saying that again Axl, or I'll break your neck!'. What he said looked like a joke, but by the way his voice sounded, you knew he wasn't joking. 'Wow... Calm down man. I didn't mean it in a bad way!' Axl said defensively. 'I don't bother if you meant it in a bad way or not. You don't say things like that, especially not when I'm around.' Izzy snared. 'She's not crazy. She completes me. She's like me. So if you say it like that, I'm weird too.'. 'I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT IZYY!'' Axl said a little louder, but not too loud, because he knew you were sleeping. 'She's just different. That's what I meant.'. 'You are not making it any better. Just shut up, or I will accidently slip some details about you to the press.' Izzy's voice came closer and closer to where you were. 'Izzy...' Axl tried but it was no use. Izzy did not answer and snuggled with you in bed, wrapping his arms around you. 'I love you, baby girl.' He whispered just before you fell asleep again.

Slash: You laid down on a unfamiliar bed. You heard the sound of machines that were attached to you. You recognized the familiar, typical smell: you were in a hospital. You heard the voice you knew so well: Slashs. He was talking two someone else. 'I... I don't know what I have to do if she doesn't wake up. The thought of it is just killing me...' Slash's voice sounded so sad and tired, you've never heard his voice like that. It seemed like he had been crying for hours. 'The moment I found her on the ground... It seemed so surreal. Like it was an awful... awful nightmare.'. 'You saved her, Slash. If you weren't there, she would've died for sure. She still has a chance because of you!' You recognized Duff's voice. What happened? You couldn't remember any of it. 'If I was there at all she wouldn't even be here! I would never ever left her alone in the condition she was to get off on my own high. If I was there nothing of this would have happened. Sometimes I'm just so sick of being gone for so long. I want to be there for her. And now there's a chance I can never give that time to her again.' You tried to keep listening but you felt yourself falling into unconsciousness again. 'I love her so... so... much,' where the last words you heard him say.

Steven: You were studying upstairs when you heard the doorbell. You heard Steven opening the door and talking to someone. When you opened the bedroom door you heard Stevens voice. 'Yeah... I'm a bit worried you know. She works so hard. She doesn't even have time to eat something. And if she does have time, she's not hungry because she's so stressed out about everything. The final exams are killing her literally, if you ask me. And it seems like there is nothing I can do about it.' He said. You could hear his frustrations and his worries in his voice. 'I know...' That was your best friend's voice! She is here! What is she doing here? 'It's good that you called me. But I'm not going to make as much of a difference I think... She listens to you. Just make her do something. Take her outside, even if she doesn't want to. She'll listen eventually because it's you. I'm positive about that.'. 'I just want her to be okay. She's not going to make the two more weeks like this. She practically lives into the bedroom nowadays.' Steven was concerned, that's for sure. And you loved that about him. 'Just go to her, and tell her I'm here. Where going to do something together, the three of us, for an hour or two. She can't say no!'. When you heard Steven moving his way to the stairs, you closed the door softly and sat yourself on your chair, prepared for what was coming. For the first time in weeks, you felt excited about going away with your boyfriend and best friend for just a couple of hours.

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