he sees you after the breakup

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axl: it'd been two months since you'd last seen each other - and that was when you were leaving his apartment for good. there had been too many fights since you were both getting more and more stressed and just taking it out on each other, so you decided it'd be best if you split. you were doing okay, not great or anything, but you were okay. that was until you saw him at one of the clubs you'd gone to with friends, him across the room and clearly having noticed you. a part of you wondered whether he'd known you'd been there all night, since he was watching you so intently. and after you tried to ignore his presence for a good half-an-hour, you eventually walked over to him and said hello, where the two of you went on to chat just like the old times, and somewhat fall back in love; even though you never fell out of love.

duff: it had been over a year, and while you were doing much better than you were doing when the breakup happened, you still weren't 100% over him. it was strange, no matter who you dated, you just couldn't stop comparing them to what it was like to date Duff. no-one was ever good enough to compare to him. there hadn't been any calling, and honestly, you missed being able to see him in person and behind the closed doors. so when you bumped into him at a coffee shop, you couldn't wipe the smile from your face. the two of you chatted for a while before Duff offered to take you out for dinner in a few nights, and not one part of you even though about saying no to that offer.

izzy: the break up was a mutual decision - well as mutual a break up can be - but that didn't mean you weren't still hurting. it'd only been a few weeks since you broke up, and between then and now, the two of you had called a few times when you were both missing each other. however, you were still majorly surprised when he walked through the door of your work, hands in his pockets as he walked straight up to the counter where you were standing. with a soft sigh he looked down, before looking back up at your face, 'i dont think i can be without you anymore. i think this breakup helped us sort of... get out bearings, but i feel incomplete. and i know most breakups are like that and most people would just say i'm still getting over it - but i don't think i'll ever get over you. i'll always want you. so... i think, if it's okay with you, we should get back together.'

slash: the breakup was messy, filled with tears and yelling and you storming out of the apartment and never returning. you had ignored all his calls, not wanting to fall back in love with him only to get hurt by his career again. you still loved him though, but the lack of calls made it easier for you to resist all urges to see him. and then you ran into him while you were shopping. at first he just apologised and went to keep moving, but as soon as he relised who he had just bumped into, he held your arms, shaking his head with a smile. 'so good to see you.' he nodded and you couldn't help but smile, agreeing. you really had missed him, and a huge part of you just wanted to invite him back to your apartment so you could spend the night watching movies like you used to. so you did.

steven: he had spotted you across the room at an event, seeing you standing with a few well-known faces that you'd become friends with after meeting steven. everyone knew about your breakup, and the magazines had a great time displaying pictures of steven with any girl that wasn't you. sure, it kind of hurt, and although magazines had never told any truth while the two of you were together, there was a large part of you that couldn't help but think that perhaps steven had moved on and was seeing another girl, or sleeping with a few. but as you caught his eyes across the room, all you could manage was a sad smile, lifting your drink in a sort of 'cheers', before turning back to your friends. that was until steven was beside you, whispering in your ear to speak to you in private. as you followed him out to the hallway that lead to the bathrooms, he held you close and pressed a kiss to your lips, shaking his head, 'i've wanted to do that again for so long.'

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