his wedding vows to you

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axl: "To love is nothing... To be loved is something, and to love and be loved is everything. Y/N... You have given me something that I never experienced before in my life. You taught me what true love means... You showed me how to love, and you were my first real love. I wasn't really sure I knew what love meant before I met you. For me, you are the definition of love. You make me feel like the happiest man on this whole entire planet... Thats a lot of people." He smiled, "Somehow you never fail to make me happy, and I am glad that I am able to return the favor to you. You are so beautiful, and perfect in everyway possible. You are my soulmate, and I am ready to begin a life with you... Us. I loved you since I first laid eyes on you, and I will love you until my last breath. I love you Y/N... Forever and always." He said as he slid the ring on your finger.

duff: : "Marriage vows are like promising to have sleepovers with your best friend everynight." Everyone laughed, "Y/N... You are my best friend, thats exactly what you are. My best friend. I can tell you anything and everything and I know that you won't judge me..." He loosened his collar, "I hope. Anyway, you are probably the most amazing person I have ever met in my entire life. You teach me everyday how to love, and appreciate things. You and I are exactly the same people, and we connect so well, and I love that. We are a really buzzin' couple, and your quite fit if I do say so myself. But that is not the only reason I love you. You mean the world to me. You are the sun, and the moon, and my world revolves around you. I love being the person that protects you from harm, I love guarding you. I cannot wait for our lives to begin as one, and I know we will have some amazing memories along the way. So lets hit the road babe." He said as he slid the ring on your finger.

izzy: "Real happiness happens when you learn to love without holding back. And with you Y/N, I have experienced true happiness. Its a happy that will never compare to anything else. You are my everything, and I truly mean that when I say it. We do everything together... we watch movies, play mario kart, everything. And you rarely yell at me, which makes me extremely grateful cause i've seen you get mad and it's just crazy. I love you so much babe. I don't think I could live without you, and I certainly know that you are the person on this planet that I am meant to be with. You are going to be my wife, and I am so excited for the journey that we will be taking together. Did I mention how fantastic you are? Because you are. And you are all mine. I love you times infinity." He said as he slid the ring on your finger.

slash: "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, love never ends. Y/N over these past years that we have known each other, we have become inseparable. I never thought that I could love someone as much as I love you. But I can, and I will never love you any less, I will always remain by your side, and be there for you when you need help, you can rely on me for anything. I will be there. This love, this amazing bond that we have developed will get us through anything that we need to get through. I am sure of it. I love you more than anyone else in the world, you have truly changed my life, and you have changed every part of me. You have made me a better person, and your love has made me who I am today. I am so thankful for you Y/N. I love you so much, and I always will. I cannot wait to start our life together, and it begins right now." He said as he slid the ring on your finger.

steven: "I can't promise to fix all your problems, but I can promise you that you won't have to face them alone... Princess... Its what you really are to me. Your wish is my command, and everything that you will ever want I will try and fulfill for you. You have made all of my dreams come true, simply by loving me for me. Not loving me for the fame, or the money. None of that. You love me for who I am. Your love has made all of my dreams come alive. I am so thankful to have you in my life. You are amazing in every way possible. I would do anything for you... You know that. I cannot protect you from anything, though I will try, but just know that you do not have to go through anything alone Y/N... I will be there with you through everything and anything. You are amazing, so amazing. Magical... You are my Princess and I promise to love you forever. I am so glad to call myself your husband." He said as he slid the ring on your finger.

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