"We had something similar," Todor said grabbing the strap of the railgun which lay on the ground not far from them. "It's a ... something," Todor finished, not having the strength to explain.

"It must have been potent something. You ape ... humans can be smart little demons. I remember during Three Banner War when my company of Justicers got trapped at the foot of mountains not far from here. Those were the opening days of the war, just a few weeks after the Knitting. We were swelling in arrogance and pride, so sure of our superiority. I ordered them to charge apeling convoy of funny looking turtle machines. I almost died that day," he said pointing to the scar on his neck. "The funny looking turtles started spewing fireballs at us from thirty lences distance, decimating us in seconds. If a wing of Sunriders didn't arrive in time I wouldn't be here today. The pride of Anadori is such a curse upon my people," he finished his story shaking his head sadly.

"General. Can I ask you a question?" Todor asked waiting for Generals nod before continuing. "Aren't you Grand general of Evervictiorius Sun Army of Anadori People and Representative of Jade Seat in Anadori High Meet? Why would you, of all the people come here to save us?"

"I was having a nice enjoyable dinner with my old war buddy, the Governor. We were retelling our war stories when the dispatch came on one of your infernal electronic talking rectangles. My honor guard of Sunriders was with me at the time. So I tagged along," he explained.

Todor glanced at the group of heavily armored Anadori with their glowing shields and gem-like armor. He then noticed that there was a large group of humans dressed in SWAT gear as well. They were lining up the bodies of the killed attackers. One was giving first aid to the two wounded bikers that survived Todor's marksmanship. My coats marksmanship, he corrected himself.

"Who are they?" Todor asked nodding in the direction of the bikers. They too wore the same suits, shirts, and ties, the only difference was that the white mask face was painted upon their motorcycle helmets.

"We don't know for sure. We heard rumors about some cult that embraces everyone, no matter the creed or breed. But we know nothing about them or what they preach," Felixsos said calmly. "Do you have any idea why would they come after you?"

He shook his head and the general didn't press the issue. It must be maharoon related. There is no other explanation. But how did they found out? Ezezu buzzed, the calming presence in his mind and he embraced the feeling. Taking a deep breath he let go of his worries and anguish about the happenings of the night. He knew it wasn't that easy and that the torment of what he did will come later. But I will deal with it later.

His stomach rumbled even louder. It was like he hasn't eaten in ages even though he ate an entire pizza and a piece of cheesecake a few hours ago. The side effect of the potion, he remembered. It is wearing off. Both his body and his mind felt sluggish now, like waking up after a long sleep, the body being numb and unresponsive. It will pass. If it wasn't for that potion I would be dead by now. I haven't trained for this, I am not built for this. Another part of his brain woke up. But I must change that, I must get in shape if I am going to dodge assassin's left and right.

Todor got snapped back to his surroundings when general Felixsos jerked his head suddenly.

"There is large magical construct coming our way," Felixsos said calmly. "Habaroon! Tel'sa!" he yelled at his Sunriders who stumped their way into the wedge-shaped formation. Shields interlocking, partisan spears thrusting forward in the direction general showed.

Everyone held their breaths as they waited. A moment later ground started to vibrate and huge shape of the war golem emerged from one of the streets. Its right arm and left leg were made out of stone while the rest was polished bronze. They fixed it! Todor realized looking at the mismatched appendages. Golem stopped seemingly eyeing the formation of Sunriders. SWAT team unites opened fire at the thing but bullets had no effect at it, ricocheting harmlessly. The construct stood motionless in the middle of the street, almost like it was a regular statute that was dropped there by mistake.

Todor tried to get up on his feet but the general put his palm on his shoulder.

"Sit down ... Todor, your battles are over for this day. It is our turn to fight and live up to our names," Felixsos said.

Todor relaxed a bit, getting back to the ground.

"Hey, you humans. Controller or controllers of this golem must be close by. Go seek them out. But be careful, they are defenseless while they control the beast so they might have guards," general ordered them. SWAT team looked reluctant to follow the orders of the Anadori but once their captain started barking orders they spread out and disappeared into side streets.

"Sunriders, to the skies!" Felixsos shouted to his men, "I wish I had time to don my armor as well and join them."

The armored Anadori spread out but still staying in the wedge-shaped formation. Then they knelt on one knee, hunched. Between the armored plating of their backs the golden light started to spread. Unsteady flickering golden light took form, slowly growing. A second later entire group of Sunriders had golden, translucent wings on their backs. They jumped as one into the air, like a flock of glowing birds. Keeping the formation, they hovered for a moment as the first morning light shined up them. They braced their partisan spears under their armpits and locked their shields in front of them and flew towards awaiting golem.

The sight was so surreal Todor gasped.

"Magnificent aren't they?" the general said, his voice filled with pride. Todor could only nod.

The charge of Sunriders collided with a golem who braced himself for the impact a second before they clashed. The partisans flashed forward stabbing at the bronze monster. When the spears hit small yellow explosions erupted leaving the surface of the golem pitted and scarred.

"They don't have real sunpikes, it would be hardly a contest if they had them," Felixsos said apologetically, "just ceremonial partisans. But they will do the job, rest assured."

The golem let out a metallic roar and charged forward. The flock of Sunriders evaded the charging behemoth which crashed into the helicopter. The angry war machine punched the flying machine a few times before flipping it over. The pilot jumped out a second before and dashed out of its way. The chopper rolled over a few times before falling into the slowly moving river with a splash.

"There goes our ride," Cassandra murmured embracing Todor.

The Sunriders surged forward again, stabbing and evading the wild punches frantic magical construct dished out. Battle reminded Todor of the swarm of bees attacking large animal. But this bees had stingers that lasted and they attacked without mercy. Every jab followed a small explosion, every futile punch from the golem evaded with the graceful maneuver. The entire thing was just fascinating to watch leaving Todors eyes glued to the sight. General is right if those exploding spears had bigger firepower it wouldn't be fair game. Hell, even know it's not fair.

"Alright, boys. Finish this, it's already dawn. And Governor will chew me out for letting her chopper be destroyed."

The Anadori warriors started attacking more quickly and with bigger coordination. Landing three to four hits at the same time with well executed stabs delivered by flying pairs. The fixed stone leg soon gave way, bronze monster crashing to one knee. Unable to move anymore Sunriders pressed their attack forcing the golem to the ground. Once there one of the riders lent a lucky strike to the core of the monster. The surge of electricity sparking all over the giants metal body followed.

"Stay clear," general warned as the small nova of thunder arced randomly, scarring the street even more. The flock of Sunriders flew back to avoid the cascade. Soon the golem was not moving or giving any signs of life.

The gunfire not far from them echoed and died down. That must be SWAT team dealing with the controllers.

"I am glad I saw that," Todor said before a wave of weakness overtook him. Not again, I have to stop fainting, he thought before losing consciousness with his head falling into Cassandra's lap.

1. Macabre Marmalade (COMPLETED; EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now