Taking my seat at the piano I let my fingers rest on the keys for a while before I let them dance freely. Jungkooks eyes lit up, bringing a bright smile to his face. "Could you teach me how to play?" He asked shyly.

Raising a brow, "You like the piano?"

"Yeah but... I just never got the chance to play." Jungkook laughed.

Jungkook wants you to teach him how to play the piano:

[Teach Jungkook how to play] or [Let him figure it out]

Patting the seat next to him, "Alright, I'll teach you." turning my head to look at him, "And you've never played in your life, correct?" I asked to make sure incase I'd have to teach him what the keys are, and then something basic to start with.

He shook his head, "No, but I've watched some people play it, and a few tutorials here and there. I don't know all the keys, but I know some." He explained.

"Well, a little goes a long way." I smiled. "Show me what you know."

I watched Jungkook as he pointed in the direction of the keys, pointing at the keys G, B, D, E, and F, but, when he pointed at the 'A minor' key, I shook my head.

Playing the note, "This is a C major." playing the next note, "And this is an A minor."

He took note of it and corrected himself, "I can see how you got the two confused, but for now, I'll re-teach you the placement of the keys. As of today, focus more on the sound and tell me which key it is, whether it is a minor, major, or sharp." Pausing, "This way I can see where you're at a bit more, and this way you can memorize what sound goes with what note."

Jungkook seemed a bit nervous, but put on a bright smile, "Okay, I think I'm ready."

"You think?" I chuckled at his words, nudging him.

Our music class was pretty relaxed for today since we had a substitute for the day, we were allowed to do whatever we wanted to do as long as it was related to music. Our actual instructor was actually a really nice instructor, he always helped us and actually taught us, unlike some of the places I've been to. He's always had a liking to me, every time I'd stay after school hours to practice a few pieces I've made, he would always put on a proud smile and pat my shoulder, saying something along the lines of "Min Yoongi, keep up the good work kid, I see something special in you."

After our class was over, we traded numbers and decided to make a schedule for the both of us. I decided to help teach Jungkook some more after school on the days I normally come to practice. Unfortunately, our instructor won't be here for another two weeks because we found out he was a bit ill, but at least it meant I could finally help teach someone something.

"I forgot to ask, but how old are you? I'm a '97 liner." Jungkook brightly smiled.

Sneering, "I'm a '93 liner." Jungkooks jaw dropped, "Sorry for dropping the honorifics-"

Patting him on the shoulder, "I told you not worry about that kid, it's fine."

As we walked together towards the front of our college, curiously, Jungkook asked, "So, did you transfer here too? A few years back?"

"Yup, how'd you know?" Raising a brow. "I figured since you said you're a '93 liner." He giggled.

After a few moments, he took a deep breath and bowed, "Thank you for showing me around and helping me out today by the way, I really needed it." putting on a sheepish smile, scratching his nape.

"No problem Jungkook, I'm glad I could be of help." Shaking his hand, "I'll see you around kid, and no need to bow." I sneered.

After a few goodbyes, I made my way towards my car, and as soon as I sat down, I could feel my eyes getting heavier, "gosh today was such a long day..." I yawned.

Blinking a few times and opening my eyes wide before relaxing them, with a grunt, I turned on the ignition and drove off to go home and hopefully get my work done for the day so I could rest, "My lovely wife, my bed, I'll be home soon!" Letting out a sad sigh.

Someone is calling you,

[Pick up the phone and answer] or [Ignore and keep driving]

A/N: Be sure to comment below for the next chapter!! And thank you so much for everything! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


[Make a decision]

— Answer the phone


— Keep driving

Le_Mochi ~ 💜

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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SERENITY: Live Your Life | BTS जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें