Chapter 9

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"Okay." Marc started as he slapped his hand together. "So night guys. Axel, you're sleeping on a cot next to her bed, cus no way in hell are you guys sleeping in the same bed." Marc started heading for the stairs.

I snorted. As if having sleeping in the same bed is the worse thing I've done.

I started heading for the stairs and Axel pulled me back.

"We got a problem." I turned to him worriedly. What now?!

"I gotta piss."

I groaned. Crap.


Long story short. The bathroom was very awkward. He stood there pissing while I was humming some tune from Aladdin while staring at the shower curtain with great detail.

"Do you have to hum Aladdin?!" He growled out.

"You know Aladdin?" I asked.

He huffed and turned red, "Alec made me watch it along with a ton of Disney movies."

I started laughing.

Once he was done was flushed and dragged me to the sink. I breathed out in relief and dragged him to my room. Marc was there fixing the cot and leaving night clothes for Axel.

"Wow Marc, I should get you a slutty maid outfit and you'd fit right into your calling." I smirked and awed.

He turned to me and glared.

"I should shoot you for escaping."

I smirked, "Who said I'm escaping."

Axel butted in, "It's there something I should know about you two?"

Marc and I turned to him and feigned innocence. "Like what?" I asked sweetly.

Axel groaned. "I already know you were in handcuffs for the whole beginning of the year, and Marc accompanied you also. You tried to hide if but honestly you did a shit job. Plus he doesn't look like your brother and not old enough to be father. SO what are you?"

Marc turned to him. "It sounds like you already know."

Axel looked at him then his eyes widened as he glanced at me. "YOu're her..?"

I nodded and looked at Marc as Axel finished. "Probation officer."

Marc rolled his eyes. "You act like it's the end of the world."

Axel ran a hand threw his dark brown waves. "Well it's surprising. What'd you do?" He asked me.

I growled at him, "You should know never to ask a con what they did to be a con." I said I I yanked him to my closet to dig for some night clothes.

Marc laughed. "Take it easy on him A. Night guys! No sex!"

Marc made it out the door laughing as I threw a vase at the door. Luckily for him it wa plastic and just bounced off the door.

I got some shorts and a tank out of my drawers and turned to my bed where Axel's clothes were. Luckily I had a walk in closet with a door.

'Okay I'll change in the closet and half close the door while you change out here."

Axel nodded and I walked into the closet and half closed the door on our wrists. I pulled my jeans off and pulled on my shorts. Then pulled off my shirt. I got it over my head when I realized my hand wasn't gonna let me take the shirt off all the way .

"Shit." Axel and I said at the same time. I opened the door slightly and he stood there shirtless and me with only my bra on as we stared at both our shirts on our handcuffed hands.

He looked up and his eyes darkened as he took me in.

I snapped my fingers in his face, "hey eyes up here buddy." He blinked and glanced up at me and glared.

"I could say the same to you." He said as I blushed getting caught staring at his chiseled chest.

Damn it. But who doesn't like looking at a shirtless guy?

We both looked at our shirts again.

"Dang it. What are we gonna do?" I asked him.

He sighed. "Either cut them or wear them."

I gasped, "No i just got this shirt!"

He shook his head exasperatedly. "Fine. We wear them."

We pulled on our shirts then and I sighed. I hate wearing tight shirts and a bra to bed. It's so uncomfortable.

Axel pulled me over to the bed. The cot was on the left side of the bed so I had to lay on my stomach to sleep. I'm gonna suffocate!

"Uh Axel?"

He huffed and turned to me. "What now?"

I glared at him then pointed at the bed. "I can't sleep on my stomach."

He glared back, "then sleep on your side."

I huffed and got into bed pulled the covers over me. I had to hold my arm to the just to get Axel to be able to lay down on the cot. We finally got situated and started to fall asleep.

About a half hour later I still couldn't sleep but i could tell Axel was.

I turned, forgetting that we were cuffed and heard a bang which pulled me out of bed onto Axel on the ground.

I looked up into a glaring pair of green eyes. "Who knew sleeping with you was this hard?" He growled.

I smiled sheepishly. "I can't sleep on my side anymore. And my arm is asleep."

"So was I." He continued glaring. I rolled my eyes and pulled us up. The dragged the cot to the other side of the bed. "How about we both sleep on our backs?" I suggested.

He rolled his eyes but laid onto the cot again.

Another half hour went by when I started hearing snoring.

Oh no..

I glanced at Axel and he was on his back fast asleep snoring his head off. Come on!

Now I really can't sleep! I tried to cover my ears but only managed with one hand. Ugh. Fine.

I turned to Axel and shook his shoulder. He opened his eyes and looked over at me groaning. "What?" He asked in a husky voice. I gotta admit, if I wasn't half asleep I woulda found that hot.

"Get in my bed."

He raised his eyes then rubbed them. "What did you say?"

"I said, get in my bed. You snore on your back worse then a seal giving birth."

Axel grimaced at the mental picture and climbed into bed. It took us a while to get situated but we got it.

In order for us both to sleep on our sides we had to spoon and Axels arm had to be around my waist.

I felt Axels breath on my bare neck as I shivered. Marc was gonna be pissed in the morning I thought as I fell asleep. 


HAhahaha! Gotta admit I got a lot of this idea from "I Love Lucy!" 

lhend16 <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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