Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Explain to me again how Agent Monroe's tracker was disabled." Chief Olaf asked me again from across the desk.

I was back at headquarters or more like prison, as the Chief questioned me.

"I told you, I got mad and put it into his water bottle and it was thrown in the commotion." I told him then added, "On accident."

He rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat. "You've gotta stop doing this Pierce. I can't keep sending armed guards to drag your ass back in here everytime you screw up. This is the last time that this will happen are we clear? If it happened again you're back in prison. Are we understood?" He demanded.

I gulped, "Yes Sir."

I was then escorted out of the premises and back to the safehouse where Marc awaited anxiously.

Once the agent left Marc leapt at me. "What happened?! They aren't putting you back in prison are they?" He asked me. Marc has been guarding me for awhile so we've grown a bond you could say.

I looked at him stupidly, "If they put me back in prison, don't you think I'd be, ya Prison?"

He rolled his eyes and pushed me back onto the sofa as he left.

"Whatever! Stay in the cuffs then. I don't care."

I leapt up and ran.


The next morning at school I was required to be there early for a meeting with the principal. Or well we did.

Marc had to literally drag me out of bed as we had to leave at 5 a.m.?! That is truly ridiculous.

Once he got me to school we went directly to the office for the meeting. Marc had to explain what happened and reassure him that this wouldn't happen again. As he said this he directed it half at me too.

Still don't think it was my fault but oh well.

After the meeting we just grabbed my books and waited in the classroom of my next class since the meeting went through homeroom. About a half hour later the door opened and in came the class.

All of whom stopped upon seeing me.

See the last time any of these bozos saw me was when I got taken away by armed guards. Great first impression I know.

I rolled my eyes and put my head on my arms as I laid my head on the table.

Someone kicked my table as I jerked up looking around. Just then I heard a snicker to my right and saw Alec trying to hold in his laughter.

I raised an eyebrow. "You look like a demented Shirley Temple." I directed at him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Axel's mouth twitch slightly. Almost a smile!

Alec sat up straight and glared at me. "At least one of us is adorable!" He cracks out.

I glared and was about to retort when Marc laid a hand on my shoulder and squeezed as a warning.

I shut up as Alec and Axel looked up at Marc. Both glaring.

"Who even are you?" Alec spoke up towards Marc.

Marc ignored him as he played with his phone again.

"Hey!" Alec began again as I tugged on his arm.

"Just let it be. Please Alec." I pleaded earnestly. Nothing Marc could say wouldn't be good.

He looked over at me and dropped it thankfully. "Fine but you're sitting with us at lunch today then." He said just as both Marc and Axel's heads shot up.

Marc was just about to protest when someone beat him to it. "No she's not."

I looked over at Axel confused. Why is this such a big deal. I know Marc would be upset but why would Axel care? If anything he should since he saved me yesterday. Speaking of that, what the hell was that?

"Come on Axel! She's cool trust me." Alec begged him.

Axel shook his head, "I said no."

It must have been either the look on his face or the way he said it because Alec dropped it right then.


Finally it was lunchtime. I was starving and felt bad since my stomach kept rumbling during the last three classes. Everyone kept staring!

I was at my locker putting my books away when Marc's phone rang.

He looked over at me, "Stay here."

I glared at him but nodded, "Fine." I leaned against my locker as the hallway started to clear.

Five minutes past and Marc still hadn't returned. Ugh I'm gonna die of starvation if he doesn't return soon. I could just go get food, but he'd probably literally kill me if I left.

Just then I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I looked up, "That better have been the freaking President! I'm starving Mar-." I stopped as I laid eyes upon one beautiful creature of man.

Or more like Axel.

He glared at me, "Excuse me?"

I opened and closed my mouth like some fish. "Uhhh, sorry? Thought you were Marc."

"Well obviously I'm not." He retorted and turned to walk off just as I spoke.

I have no idea whether this was stupidity or bravery. "No need to get your panties in a twist. It was a mix up not the end of the world!" I yelled over at him.

He stopped walking and stood with his back to me for awhile, then slowly turned around.

I gulped. No need to worry about food because I'll be dead by then!

"Who exactly do you think you are to talk to me like that?" Axel asked me eerily calm.

Like the calm before the storm.

I glared, "I'm a human being who isn't gonna just cower around you like others do. You may be able to bully them around, but not me." I stood up for myself. For the last minute of my life before he kills me.

Maybe there's such a thing as reincarnation and I'll come back to haunt him.

Wait that's just a ghost...

Before I had the chance to think more about my death something slammed me against my locker. I gasped looking up into Axel's face.

Dang, for such a dick, he has a beautiful face. His eyes were a greenish blue while he had high cheekbones and small almost unnoticeable freckles.

"No one talks to me like that!" He yelled.

Maybe someone should! I thought. Maybe then you wouldn't be such a tight wad.

"Excuse me?" He growled out.

I did not just say that out loud, did I? Crap I'm so gonna die before lunch.

"Yeah you said it out loud." Axel responded as he stepped slightly away, but not far enough.

"Oh. Right. Well I'll see ya!" I said as I went to leave before he put an arm up stopping me.

He stepped closer again and looked down at me, "I was gonna ask though. What's a pretty girl like you doing in handcuffs?" ha asked me.

I looked up at him wide eyed. Then tried to cover it up, "I don't know what you're talking abou-." I began before he all of a sudden ripped Marc's coat off of my hands revealing my hands in cuffs.


My eyes widened and I slammed my heel onto his foot then kneed him in the stomach as I took off for the door. All I heard was a groan before I was gone.

Great.. I hope he doesn't tell anyone. 

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