Chapter 7

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I slammed my locker shut with a smile on my face.

No it's not because I like to slam lockers. But because I have no Marc and no cuffs today! I jumped up and down and screamed for joy when Marc told me. Apparently he has a meeting today and is gonna be gone for a bit, but he put a tracker on my ankle.

So I can't go for random swim, but I am somewhat free.

"Hey A whatcha smiling for?" Stacy asked me as she put an arm around my shoulders. Abigail was standing next to her and smiled at me as I smiled back in greeting.

"Nothing I'm just happy today."

She laughed but didn't question it. "So I got a favor to ask..." She left off with.

Oh great this never ends good.

I sighed. "Yes?"

She grinned. "So for my speech class today I'm doing a presentation and I need a helper. An assistant. Could you help me out? Pretty please?" She begged me and puckered her lip out.

"I don't know Stace. I have class."

"Come on! When has that ever stopped anyone?" She continued to beg me.

She's got a point. I'm an ex con who's currently already in custody. What else can they do?

I sighed. "Fine. When is it?"

She smirked. "Now." Then pulled me to her English room.

oh no...


"Stacy Montgomery? You're next." Her teacher said as he called Stacy up. She smiled then dragged me to the front.

"Now ladies and gentlemen! I'm going to need another volunteer." She asked and like clockwork nearly every hand went up. Alec started screaming in the back and jumping up and down while Axel glared at him. I smirked at that and looked over at Stacy and she picked a person.

Suddenly she smirked and looked over at me.

"Axel, could you give me a hand?"

Everyone's head jerked up at that including Axel's. He looked as surprised as everyone else. Including the teachers. Alec nudged him and muttered something to him. Then surprisingly Axel muttered a curse and stood up, making his way to the front while staring at me.

I gulped and turned to Stacy. What is she up to?

Once Axel was up at the front Stacy had up stand next to each other and took something from her pocket.

You know that feeling when you have to sneeze, but you're in front of a lot of people and you have an ugly sneeze? Yeah that was me. I tried holding it in then looked at the sun through the window and couldn't help it. I sneezed.

My hand jerked then I got the familiar feeling of dread. As I knew what the feeling around my wrist was.



I looked up at Axel and he grimaced as he looked at them. Then smirked at me as he remembered how we met.

Ugh. I rolled my eyes and looked at Stacy.

"Really Stacy? Handcuffs?"

She ignored me then went on with her speech. Apparently it was a how to speech and we were the dummies.

And now I really felt like a dummy. I finally get out of handcuffs and then end up in them again.

"Now ladies and gentlemen! Imagine that these two bozos here have just been arrested. But all of a sudden the vehicle carrying them to the prison crashes? The officers have been killed and they have the chance to escape."

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