I tightened my grip, which made his head shot up in pain. "But that didn't happen... we got lucky that it didn't get worse remember that. How's Yoongi?"

He told us that several of Yoongi's ribs got broken and some bruising but that was it. He also explained that Hoseok was in very bad shape, he couldn't unsee what he saw when he walked passed his room. Jimin also mentioned that Jin was okay as well.

"I also heard what's happening outside... stay safe guys, Tae you better take care of her okay. Amber means a lot to me and if anything worse happened then I will end you myself"

"Will do Jimin" Taehyung said in a scared tone. There was another knock at the door, it was Mr. Anderson "Jimin your father is here to pick you up"

That's when he slowly gets up, then he waved goodbye to us as he left the room. I feel more guilty because I dragged Jimin into that as well... Mr. Anderson puts the medicine on the table and vanished again. Taehyung stared at me with a smile on his face.


"Nothing, I can't look at you? You are just so cute"

"Tae is this serious, we are in danger here" I said as I opened thee pill bottles for him.

"All because of that jackass fault..."

"Partially my fault t—" Taehyung suddenly leans close to me.

"Stop saying that word... stop it right now! None of this is your fault, not of it! You were only trying to help and save your friends. Hoseok is the one that decided to do damage to everyone here. He needs help.... major help. Amber Elise Diaz, don't ever say that word again because you did nothing wrong"

I always thought everything I did was wrong, since the first time I helped Jimin. But I never intend to do harm to anyone... Tae could be right. All my actions were only to help someone, not to do damage. But I just can't shake that feeling because he wanted me.

"Hoseok decided to take everything to the next step. He could have left it alone, by taking the money and run. But no... he wanted more, hurting people was his way of never bother me again. But you had the strength to stick up for your friends and say enough is enough. When he saw that, that's when you become his target more because he wanted that confidence... he wanted you"

I never knew that Tae could say those words, but it made sense. Hobi could have run with the money and that's it, but he wanted more. Jimin always said that he had feelings or something for me... by hurting or torturing my friends, he reeled me in. But Hoseok was a jerk to begin with as well, bullying people for no reason.

He bullied someone so bad that he committed suicide... that's how horrible Hobi is. But I'm glad that we stopped him, even though he made the whole freaking town chaotic. After this investigation— he will never see the light again. While Tae was taking his medicine, I got up and stretched my bones.

"Hey princess"

"Yes, Tae Tae?" I worriedly said.

"Will Kookie and I ever come back?"

"Of course, this will blow over soon. Once it does then you two will come back home. Until then you have to promise me that you will listen to what Kells say to you"

"I wish you can come with me..."

I went back to my seat. "I have to stay here, if I leave this town then the police will know that something is wrong. I will come and get you once this blows over" I said as I took his hand.

"Being apart hurts so much, I can't live without you Amber. You know that... you can feel it as well"

"I can't deny what I been feeling lately, but I just don't want to you get hurt or me. That's why I'm avoiding what's inside me" I glanced down at the floor.

"It's bad to hold those feelings in, if you truly care for someone then you will risk everything for them... even your life" he raises my head up and placed his hand on my cheek.

"In the beginning, my thoughts towards you was neutral... there's was nothing there at first. I was grateful for what you did, I will never forget it. As time went by— I saw a different side of you Amber, something that made me go towards you. I never truly 'imprinted' on someone... but with you, it was more than that. I connected to you beyond what imprinting was. I wanted to give you the world, I wanted to be with you forever and never hurt you. I wanted to be that someone who will you depend on... I wanted to be that missing piece that fills the holes in your heart"

Man, I hate crying because it shows weakness and wants people to feel sorry for you because you're going through things. But these tears were different... it was finally tears of joy. "My Tae Tae trying to be romantic, I like that. That's why I like you... because you are dedicated, you won't give up. You are kind, always bringing the positive into bad situations. You are caring, thinking about others before your needs. You are special because you have something in you. You are you...the best you"

"Thanks, Amber" he planted a kiss on my forehead. "Now that's out of the way, you should go home and relax, okay"

"Yeah, I been here since I was discharged. But I will be right back after I shower and stuff"

"Take your time princess, I'm not going anywhere" he leans back into the bed.

I smiled and grabbed the things I had, waving goodbye, I exited the room. When I looked up, my face turned into fear.

"Amber Diaz?"

"Could be... who wants to know?"

"You are coming with us..." the person puts a bag over my head and carried me away. Goddamnit...

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