Chapter 2: Meeting Team JNPR! Searching for Nana

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 2 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen. And I want to apologize for not working on this story,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)


"It starts to get morning as everyone starts waking up and Ruby gets outta bed as she rubbed her head from being knocked out by White Fang soldiers as she had a bandage around her head, then she looks to see Ny asleep with Yang as she smiles that he's safe. Then everyone else does as they get dressed, Yang wakes up as she sees Ny asleep still and she giggles as she sees his sleeping face and she shakes him gently to wake him up.....................
Yang: "Ny, hey Ny. It's time to wake up, no need to be sleeping anymore."
................everyone looks as they giggle in their heads that he's still asleep as Yang tried to wake him up, but then their door bursts open as they see Nora with a vacuum in her hand...................
Nora: "HEY! Look what I got."
................she starts it up and the sound was loud enough to wake Ny up as he hugs Yang in fear as he hid his face, then Yang gets angry where she grabs it and throws it out the room as it unplugs from the wall and she looks at them curious..................
Nora: "Well, someone's cranky."
Weiss: "You scared Ny."
Nora: "Woah. Who's Ny?"
.................Ruby looks as she sees him under Yang's covers as he is shaking and she uncovers it as he looks at her with tears in his eyes...................
Ruby: "It's okay Ny. It's gone, come on out."
..................he comes out and he gets off Yang's bed as he hides behind Ruby as he looks at Nora.................
Nora: "Hey, who's this?"
Blake: "It's a long story."
..................they tell her how they found him and how he is scared at everything and what happened yesterday as they see Nora understanding..................
Nora: "Oh, I see. I'm gonna go tell my team."
..................she zooms out as Weiss is outside the door.................
Blake: "And she's gone."

Timeskip-Acouple Hours Later

....................the rest of Team JNPR arrives as they look at Ny and Pyrrha places her hand on her chin as she touches his horns................
Pyrrha: "So, you're saying he's an unknown Faunus?"
Ruby: "Yeah. We never seen those horns before."
Blake: "And all my life I never seen a Faunus with those little horns, growing up he could be a new species or one that's not discovered."
Jaune: "So, why is his name Ny?"
Weiss: "It's not his actual name, we named him that until he remembers and what kind of Faunus is he."
Pyrrha: "Well, after what you told us from what Cardin and his team did I think we need to protect him now. *rubs his head* Cause how he is will make him more vulnerable for him to bully."
Yang: "That's exactly what I'm gonna do."
Blake: "So am I."
..................they heard a knock at their door and it was opened to reveal Ozpin with Prof. Goodwitch....................
Ruby: "P-Prof. Ozpin."
Ozpin: "Hello Ruby, mind if I meet this mysterious visitor you have in your dorm?"
..................her eyes widen as she opens the door and they look at him as he does to them as he is confused...................
Ny: "Nyu?"
Ozpin: "Who is this boy?"
Weiss: "Prof. Ozpin, just hear us out. We had no choice, we found at the docks yesterday and he was there, he had this injury on his head, and he was also naked when we found him."
Goodwitch: "Good lord."
Weiss: "And the moment he saw us he was terrified, and we think he doesn't remember who he is. So, we brought him here to take care of him until then."
Ozpin: "I see, you did the right thing. I'll allow it, until then he is under your responsibility. So, does he have a name?"
Yang: "We named him Ny until he remembers."
Ozpin: "I see. So, what happened yesterday that involves Team CRDL?"
Blake: "They tried to bully him and he ran off scared making us trying to find him."
Ozpin: "Then I will have a serious talk with them, you did good Team RWBY."
.................they walk out and then Yang dressed him into some new clothes and also gives him a beanie to hide his horns and Blake is in the other room thinking about the girl Nana she met yesterday. Then Weiss sits next to her.................
Weiss: "You're thinking about that girl aren't you?"
Ruby: "What girl?"
Blake: "There was this girl I met yesterday, she has the same horns as Ny."
Ruby: "What?"
Blake: "She was helping me look for Ny, but the moment I heard he was found she disappeared."
Ruby: "There's another kind of Faunus like Ny?"
Blake: "Yes. We have to find her, if she's out in Vale, alone she is in danger. If a Faunus hater goes near her they might do something to her."

Nana P.O.V

.................Nana is sitting on a concrete wall as she is eating ice cream and she hums as she is enjoying it and then she gets up and she was gonna walk around, but then she sees a girl in the distance as she has brown hair along with pink hair as her eyes are the same and Nana looks at her happy.................
Nana: "Oh hello, can I help you with something?"
..................she blinks as her eye color changed sides and she launches at her, but Nana jumps over her as she looks and the other girl looks..................
Nana: "I don't want to fight okay, so I'm asking nicely."
..................then the girls rushes at her again as Nana takes a bite of her ice cream and she launches her vectors as she hits the girl in the gut and she launches as she hits a concrete slab, then Nana walks up to her as she sees her clutching her gut and she coughs...................
Nana: "I told you I didn't want to fight, but you escalated it."
????: "NEO! *Nana looks in the direction of the voice* Where are you?"
Nana: "Hm, *looks at her again* so Neo is your name. Well, Neo consider this a warning. Never mess with me again, or it'll be your last."
...................she walks off as she leaves Neo there and she enjoys eating her ice cream still...................

Blake and Weiss P.O.V

...................Blake and Weiss are in their dorm as they see Ny sitting next to Yang and Ruby as they are hanging with him and then Blake walks out the dorm with Weiss as they head to Vale to find Nana..................
Weiss: "Okay. So, this Nana girl, she has pink hair with a purple ribbon hiding the horns?"
Blake: "Yes, we gotta find her. Fast."
Weiss: "Don't worry, we will."
....................they go around Vale to find her as they looked around, then as they keep going Blake sees a concrete slab broken as she goes to it to see that a human looks like it broke it as she picked up a Pisces of it.................
Blake: "What happened here?"
....................she puts it down and continued the search, then Weiss is walking down a street and as she turns the corner into an alleyway her eyes widen seeing dead bodies and she runs out and she nearly vomits as she breathes hard, she hears footsteps as she still looks down................
???? 2: "Are you okay?"
.......................she looks and as she does she sees a girl with pink hair and a purple ribbon around her head as her eyes widen at who she is looking at..................
Weiss: "Are you Nana? I'm Blake's friend."
???? 2: "Oh, you're friends with Blake?"
Weiss: "Yes."
Nana: "Well, I am Nana, it's nice to meet you. Is something wrong?"
Weiss: "Well, me and her were looking for you. We found Ny last night and we were hoping you would come with us to Beacon."
Nana: "Is there a particular reason?"
Weiss: "Well, we want to protect you and Ny. He lost his memory and doesn't know who he is, so we think someone else who has the same horns as him would make him happy."
.................she looks at her as Nana had a questionable look on her face as she looks down and hums, then she smiles and looks at Weiss................
Nana: "Okay."
Weiss: "Great. Let's go then."
....................they walk back to Beacon as Weiss texts Blake that she found her and Blake heads back to the launch pad where they pick up students as they now found Nana, but what they don't know is that a secret is involved."

To be continued.................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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