Chapter 6: The Explanation of the Diclonius

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 6 of this story and by the title of this chapter. You should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

Albert P.O.V

"After escaping from the facility, Albert ordered soldiers to hunt (Y/N) down and return him to the facility to continue research to find out what what kind if Faunus he is. He was spotted a couple times through the weeks, but disappeared leaving Albert to be angry from the failure. He looks at a map of where he was spotted while slamming his hand on the table.....................
Albert: "Where is he? How can he disappear so fast and good?"
Mandy: "Um, sir-"
Albert: "What Mandy? I'm busy."
Mandy: "A guy is here to see you. I tried to stop his saying you were busy, but he insisted on seeing you and it involves (Y/N)."
Albert: *looks at her shocked* (How does this guy know?) "Let him in."
.....................she opens the door further while moving out the way with the guy walking in:

she opens the door further while moving out the way with the guy walking in:

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Albert: "Can I help you with something?"
Kurama: "My name is Dr. Kurama and I believe you had someone here by the name of (Y/N) from what I heard?"
Albert: "Yeah. I did, how'd you know that? *eyes widen* Wait, does that mean you know what Faunus species he is? What he is? Tell me everything!"
Kurama: "I'm here to tell you he isn't a Faunus. He's something else."

Nana P.O.V

Ozpin: "Wait, you're not a Faunus?"
Nana: "No. I'm something else, I'm a Diclonius."
Weiss: "Hey, I heard of them. They are described to have small horns on their heads."
Ruby: "Small horns?"
.....................they looks at her with her knowing they're looking at her horns.....................
Nana: "Yes. Just like Faunus we look human, but the only difference is the horns on our heads and we're more enhanced than a regular human and Faunus with the powers we have along with a large pineal glands in our brains."
Qrow: "Powers? What powers?"
Nana: "We have this ability called Vectors, it's basically invisible hands that can cut through flesh more easily, and most Diclonius have the same hair and eye color. But, not all."
Ruby: "Hey Nana, I want to ask; what happens if your horns break?"
Nana: "When one horn is broken we go into a comatose state, but if both breaks we won't ever wake up until the horns grow back."
Blake: *eyes widen* "One of (Y/N)'s horns didn't break right?"
Yang: "No, when Cardin knocked him out in the hallway I didn't see a single horn on the ground."
Ruby: *sighs in relief* "Thank goodness."
Ozpin: "Nana I wanted to know, how do Diclonius reproduce?"
Nana: "Well, apparently we spread a virus through humans altering the DNA to only give birth to our species. It only happens from our Vectors touch them, which makes me avoid touching anyone with mine."
Weiss: *eyes widen* "What?! Do you think (Y/N) touched us with them? Are we infected?"
Blake: "Weiss, (Y/N) was hurt and wasn't himself when he stayed with us and I never felt a hand touch me. So, it's unlikely that he knew about his Vectors."
Weiss: "Oh, *chuckles nervously* right."
Qrow: "Nana, what can you tell us about the Vectors?"
Nana: "Apparently there's different types of Vectors, if it's a lot of Vectors the strength is small and with few they're stronger. It also takes a toll on our body from using them too much, our bodies melt and we'd die. And I'd we're in extreme pain we can't use them or if our pineal gland is tempered with it can be repressed."
Blake: "Oh my gosh."
Yang: "That's messed up."
Ozpin: "So, what's your relationship with (Y/N)?"
Nana: "I was a young child when I met him, I was being abused because of my horns and he saved me killing my abusers. I looked at him like a big brother and he became a brother to me, years later he disappears and was kidnapped by this group that wanted to study him. I wanted to look everywhere for him, but I couldn't do much."
Weiss: "You were being abused?"
Nana: *nods* "All because of my horns."
Blake: "Just like the Faunus, they get discriminated a lot and now the Diclonius being treated the same way."
Yang: "That is is so messed up."
Qrow: "This group that kidnapped him probably thought he was a Faunus, but they didn't know."
Ozpin: "Then they probably didn't know he was probably a normal Diclonius."
Nana: "Not exactly. (Y/N) is the strongest Male Diclonius right now, his Vectors aren't normal. It's rare for a male to be strong and he is very strong, getting more stronger by the time and it got the attention of someone."

3rd P.O.V

Albert: "You mean we had a Diclonius here the entire time?"
Kurama: "Yes. And from reports we stole from your servers of his power, he is the strongest male. And she knows"

At Beacon

Yang: "He's the strongest male?"
Nana: "Yes. There hasn't been a strong male in years and he is one, which means she already knows."

The Facility

Albert: "Wait, are you saying there is there a strong female Diclonius?"
Kurama: "Yes, one strong that she was the one who broke (Y/N) out his restraints in this facility. She sabotaged everything, killed the security, and let him escape."
Albert: *eyes widen* "How did we not know about that?! Who is this girl?"
Kurama: "She is the Queen of the Diclonius-"

At Beacon

Ozpin: "Nana, who is this girl? Why does she have an interest in (Y/N)?"
Nana: "She is known as the Queen, the strongest female. She already has him, I sensed her when (Y/N) killed those four in the forest. She has him-"

Location-A House in the Forest a house hidden perfectly with electricity on, (Y/N) is seen laying in the bed unconscious with his head bandaged from being hit by Cardin's mace. He slowly wakes up to see the ceiling of the house, he goes to get up only to grunt in pain from his injuries he sustained.....................
Kurama: "This girl's name is-"
Nana: "Her name is-"
.....................a door is heard opening causing him to look where the sound came from, his eyes widen seeing someone who he never expected and was believed to be dead:

a door is heard opening causing him to look where the sound came from, his eyes widen seeing someone who he never expected and was believed to be dead:

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Kurama/Nana: "-Lucy."
.....................(Y/N) couldn't believe he was looking at Lucy, the strongest female Diclonius to live as well earn the title, Queen of the Diclonius. She approaches him to kneel next to the bed to lay her arms on the bed and rest her head on them with a smile on her face.....................
Lucy: "Hello (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Lucy? I-I-I thought you were dead!"
Lucy: "Oh no, not dead. I was in a coma because my horns were broken, they miraculously grew back. Those four deserved the death you gave them."
(Y/N): "You saw that?"
Lucy: "They deserved it, it was beautiful and amazing."
(Y/N): "Why did you bring me here Lucy?"
Lucy: "To catch up with my King, it's been years since we last saw each other. And the damage to your head was bad that you suffered a concussion, you need some enough rest, and the rest is important."
.....................she stands up to cup his cheeks and kissed him causing his eyes to widen from her action. She separates from the kiss looking at him smirking until she laid beside him to sleep while he passes out from his injury.....................

Location-Beacon Academy

Ruby: "So, you're saying this Lucy girl has (Y/N) right now?"
Nana: *nods* "Yes."
Yang: "Why would she do that?"
Nana: "After she found out he is strong she wanted to keep him to herself."
Blake: "Let me guess, keep him to herself to mate?"
Nana: "Yes."
.....................everyone's eyes widen knowing that (Y/N) has been taken by Lucy to mate with her and they needed to find him fast.....................

Location-The Facility

Albert: "Lucy wants to mate with (Y/N)?"
Kurama: "Yes. She chose him from how strong he is and it's imperative that we find them, if they manage to mate and have a child we will not stand a chance."
Albert: "For what?"
Kurama: "Two strong Diclonius. One male and one female, have a kid together and nothing can stop it. The child will be a god level Diclonius!"
.....................Albert's eyes widen hearing that with him double timing the soldiers with Kurama's help while everyone at Beacon were given a mission to find them with the White Fang along with Cinder doing the same. One side wants them captured, one side wants to join them, and the other side wants to find them and protect them."

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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