[04] truth or dare?

Start from the beginning

I look around my messy as shit room and noticed an earring on the floor. I knew it was Ariana's.

Ari: Cole? You there?

Me: Yeah, I am! You did leave something here it's an earring.

Ari: Shit... those were my favorite earrings...

Me: You can come by tomorrow or whatever.

Ari: I might, you must be sick of me by now lol.

Me: Ari, I'll never get tired of you.

Ari: Well that's a good sign!

Me: LOL.

I set my phone down and sat on my bed. I sigh just looking at my ceiling. I imagined Ariana lying on my chest fast asleep while my arm securely wrapped around her. "Fuck" I say. She's messing with my mind. She's like a drug and I want to overdose on her. She's like a really good beer and I want to get drunk off her. I dig around my desk for a pack of cigarettes and my lighter. I open my window and put the stick in my mouth and lit it. I exhale the smoke out the window. Smoking clears my head when thinking becomes too much. An Instagram notification popped up on my phone it was Ari's... yes, I do have her notifications on. She posted a picture of us yesterday at the party with the caption: It's always been you ♥ thank you for everything.

My heart fluttered and commented on her picture. @colbybrock you're welcome, Ari! I'll always protect you♥. Other people started to comment on her photo. @user01 @colbybrock aww I ship y'all so hard! Please date! @arianacameron @user01 I ship us too but you didn't hear it from me 😉. My eyes widen and screenshot it and send it to Sam.

Sam: Whoa...

Me: I know...

Sam: I have an idea for you.

Me: Oh?

Sam: We can play Truth or Dare with the roommates for a video and Ariana can come over.

Me: And someone is going to dare me to kiss her?
Sam: Yes. I'll text the roommates!

Me: Thanks bro.

Sam: You're welcome, brother.

I twist the cigarette butt on the ledge of my window and threw it out the window. This is going to be very, very interesting. I don't know if she'll hate me after. I sigh going on my computer watching YouTube videos. Brennen calls me which scared me half to death. "Hey Brennen" I say into the phone. "Hey, I want to apologize to you for yesterday" he said. "Don't apologize to me brother, apologize to Ariana" I say. "I tried, she won't respond to me" Bren sighs. "Well, you scared her really badly" I tell him. "I know, I didn't know how drunk I was" I heard him sigh. "Bren, I think she needs some space from you, you almost raped her" I told him. "Oh god" he sounded heartbroken. "I'll talk to her bro" I tell him. "Thanks brother" Brennen says to me. "You're welcome" I tell him and he hung up. I sigh. Goddamn it, Brennen.


Ariana arrived to do the video. She wore one of my hoodies and leggings. "Hey" she said. Her eyes were puffy from crying. "Hey" I say wrapping her in my arms. She nuzzles her head in my neck. "Ready for Truth or Dare?" Sam asked. "More than ever" she smiled as we walk into the living room. "Hey" Devyn smiled. "Hey" Ari smiled hugging her. Sam was setting up the camera and whatnot. I put an arm around Ari and she looked at me with a smile. "What's up guys and welcome back to another video" Sam said. Ari waved at the camera. "So today we are going to play Truth or Dare! I wrote down some Truth or Dare questions and you can't skip any neither" Sam told the camera. "Okay, I'll start" he said grabbing a question. "Ohhh okay um Jake it's a truth question" Sam said with a laugh. "Oh god" Jake said laughing. "The question is, who do you like least in the house?" he asked. He thought about it for a long time. "Corey, because he's so loud" Jake laughed. "Wow" Corey said fake being offensive. Jake picked a question. It was Devyn's turn. My heart was in my stomach. "Colby" Devyn smirked. "Yeah?" I asked. "I dare you to kiss Ariana on the lips!" everyone oohed like five-year old kids. Ari's face was so red. I bet mine was too. Ari looks at my lips and I look at hers. I cup my hands on her cheeks and bring her face close to mine. Our lips touch. It was the most amazing feeling I've ever felt. Ariana's arms gripped my biceps as I deepen the kiss. I could feel her heart race. "Okay" Sam said. We broke our kiss and just looked at each other. I mouth, "will you be mine?" she smiled and mouthed, "It's always been you" I smiled and continued on with the video.

After the video, everyone looks at us. "Are y'all still not going to date?" Sam asked. "Well Sams, me and Colby are dating" Ari said as I wrap an arm around her waist. "YES, FUCKIN FINALLY!" Corey stated happily as I look at Ari. She was already looking at me. The girl who helped me through everything with Amanda. Helped me through shitty situations. Helped me get by day after day. She makes me want to be a better person. "Cole?" Ari said. "What?" I asked. "I said, do you want to go to Chick Fil?" she asked everyone looks at me. "Of course," I smiled. We all got into separate cars. Sam, Jake, and Aaron in one. Corey and Devyn in another, Ari and I in my car. "I guess you want to tell your fans?" Ari said to me. "Only if you want too, Ari" I said. "Cole, I don't mind" she smiled at me. God, she's the most beautiful person I've ever seen. "Let's keep them guessing" I tell her kissing her cheek. Her face reddens.

We arrived at Chick Fil. Everyone got out of their cars and I helped Ariana out of the car. She smiled at me. "Why thank you" she said patting my cheek. "I love it when you do that you know" I tell her. "I know" she laughs as I grab her hand. "There's the newlyweds!" Sam joked. "Oh hush" Ariana said. Everyone laughs. We order our food and go back to the house. "Ugh it smells so good" Ari dreamily said. "I agree" I say I was driving now. Ari sticks out her hand out the window making waves in the wind. Panic! Was playing softly in the car. "Ariana?" I asked. "Hm?" she looks at me. "Were you crying when you came to the house?" I asked. "She played with her sleeve. "Yeah, I was" she tells me. "Are you okay? Was it because of Brennen?" I asked. "Yeah, he tried to apologize to me but I don't want to reply to him" she sighs. "It's okay to avoid him" I tell her patting her leg. "Has he said anything to you?" she asked me. "Yeah, he called me" I sigh. "Saying that he was sorry?" she asked. "Yeah" I said. "Was he sincere?" she looked at me. "I think so" I said as she lays her head on my arm. "He'll come around" I said to her. "I hope so" she sighs.

We arrived home and Ari grabbed our food. "I can't wait to eat this" she said as I drape an arm around her shoulders. "Same" I say opening the door. "Hey!" Corey yells. "Hey!" Ari said with a smile. "You're glowing" Devyn smiled. "I'm happy" Ariana said smiling at me. "I'm happy too" I say kissing her. Her lips tasted like cotton candy. It's addicting. "Can we eat?" Jake asked. "Yeah" I said breaking the kiss. We ate and chilled for a bit. Aaron and Corey were upstairs streaming Fortnite. The rest of us were watching TV. Ariana's legs were over mine and her head on my shoulder. I kiss on top of her head. I felt content. I felt like nothing could go wrong.

Truth or Dare? // c.b (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now