"Hey, boys!" She cheered.

"So, you two were together the whole time? Why didn't you say so?" Charlie asked him, but Jorel just gave him a death stare and choose to ignore the questions instead.

"Let's just finish with a rehearsal," was the only thing Jay said.


I was forced to watch them rehearsing along with Vanessa. It was already bad enough just knowing that he spent time with her after he was with me. What the hell is wrong with him? Does Vanessa have any clue what's going on?

"You don't talk too much." She told me while we were watching the guys.

"You don't know me..." I said, trying not to sound rude. The truth was, I was pissed and jealous and the last thing I wanted was to talk with her.

"Isn't he amazing?" she commented while looking straight at Jorel playing the bass.

"He's alright... I guess." I spoke, hoping she won't bother me anymore.

After they finished, there was still some free time left before the concert. Of course, he ran up to her. He didn't even look at me! Did he suddenly forget what happened between the two of us? If he's gonna ignore me for whatever reason – fine! I'm going to ignore him as well.

When the venue was opened, I rushed to take the best seat, far away from Vanessa. All of a sudden, I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. Honestly, I was hoping for Jorel to come and explain what's going on; but no. It was the last person I wanted to see in all of this mess. Ryan!

Before I was able to process everything, he spoke: "Hey dollface, what happened to you last night?"

"I'm sorry..." I didn't know what to say. "I really can't deal with you right now."

"Why?" he raised his voice. "It's because of him, is it? It's J-Dog!"

"What? What are you talking about?" I was trying to act all innocent. "Look, I have some problems and the best for the both of us would be to just leave me alone, okay?"

"What's going on here?" I heard my favorite voice. "Is this guy bothering you?" Jorel looked me deep into my eyes, and I melted once again. But still, I couldn't ignore his recent behavior.

"No..." I answered after a few seconds of staring contest. I could hear Ryan's chuckle, but choose to ignore him as well.

"It didn't look like that!" Jorel continued. Gosh, I hate when he's so stubborn. But let's face it, I wasn't any better.

"Man, my concert is about to start," he started explaining to Ryan. "I don't want any problems here."

"You can't kick me out!" Ryan obviously wanted to start a fight.

"I'm not asking you to leave," Jorel was surprisingly calm. "Just keep your hands off her." His words made me blush a little bit.

"Fine, whatever!" Ryan said angrily and then finally left me.

"Meet me after the show..." Jorel whispered to me. Fans started coming in and they all wanted to say hi to him and stuff.

"Why would I?" It was getting louder in here and I started yelling.

"Please..." he seemed kinda sad. "You have two hours to think about it... I'll be waiting." What's gotten into him?

He then left me and started greeting fans.

I don't even know what to do. Like, I don't even wanna talk to him anymore, but at the same time, I wanna know what he wants. Why can't I just turn off these feelings?

Tear you apart (J-Dog fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now