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Alicia ate her sandwich, not even acknowledging Jahir's presence.

The switch was flipped and she didn't care for him.

"That's how it is?" He questioned.

"How what is? Why are you even here?"

The carelessness in her voice shined through.


"Why y'all niggas tryna see what's up with me? Don't I look good? Don't I look okay?"

"Your eyes don't. And that angry ass expression doesn't look it either"

A twisted smile formed on her face. "You not even man enough for me. I walked all over your bitch ass. You couldn't even step up to the plate, nigga. You didn't even play the role right"

"You just proving yourself. You're not even sweet anymore"

"I can't believe that I stepped out on Corbin for you. My vision was clouded, but I'm seeing real clear these days."

"You don't even know what you're saying"

"I know exactly what I'm saying. That's why it's coming out my mouth. I suggest that you go before you get hurt. Don't speak again."

That was definitely Rah's bitch.

Alicia stood up when she saw him enter the cafe.

His presence demanded attention.

As soon as he could, he grabbed Alicia's behind and pulled her close. "Hey, babydoll"

Since they sat at a bar, Jahir's presence meant nothing.

He kissed her chin.

"Keys" She demanded.

He handed her the keys to his car. "Stop tryna bitch me"

"Do you feel like one?" She spun the key on her finger and led the way out, leaving behind her sandwich.


"I don't know what makes you think that you're getting pussy out of me, but you need to dead that shit"

Alicia took the safety off, aimed, pretended to shoot, put the safety back on, and did it all over again.

Rah stared at her quietly, smiling at her actions.

She put the gun back on the wall and picked up another. "I like this one better"

"Stop touching my guns"

After about ten seconds, she put it back. "Okay, I'm done"

"Come here, birthday girl"

Alicia strolled across the room slowly and took a seat on him. "I have to work tonight"

Rah took in her beauty. "I gotta take care of something down there anyways"

"This is not a regular thing"

"Yes it is. I've been at that club longer than you"


I bit the inside of my lip as I grinded down on the handsome stranger.

"Champagne room"

"Is that a question or a statement?" I pulled at his tie.


I wanted to go home.

"Wait for me there. I'll get us a bottle of something good" I climbed off.

When I came back to the gentleman, he was slumped over with a bullet between his eyes.

I dropped the bottle in shock, and it fell on my foot.


Rah pulled me out of the room, looking nervous.

He pushed me back against the wall. "What you doing?"

I lifted my foot and undid the strap to take the heel off.

For a second, I contemplated fucking him up with it.

Two minutes later, he moved the curtain, and we both saw that the body was gone.

"You're free to go" He announced, picking up the bottle and pulling the cork out.

I dragged him back to a private room.

As soon as the door closed, I smacked him. "What the fuck is your problem?!?"

My body went hot and tears slipped down my face.

"I like that rough shit, birthday girl. That nigga deserved it though. He can't fuck with the bloodline."

"You're getting me caught up in your bullshit. You're fucking with my mental-"

"I didn't mean to. Stop being with niggas that need to be killed"

I turned towards the door, but Rah pulled me back and put me down on the table.

I almost sat up, but he started to pour champagne on my body.

As quickly as it spilled, it got slurped up.

He worked from my chest to my belly button.

"Rahsun, move" I breathed, pushing his head away from me.

He pulled at the side of my set and dipped down, pulling me by waist.

"I sai-mmph!"

He put my clit in his mouth and sucked on it slowly.

One teasing finger pumped into me.

"That shit's juicy" He dropped his tongue down to get a taste.

I pulled him back up to where he was by his hair and squeezed his face with my thighs.

"Please, Rah"

His other hand rested on my pelvis and it pulled the hood back.

The tip of his tongue stroked my clit lovingly.

"Shit" I whined.

"You like it?" He blew and kissed right up on it.

I came all over the place, and he feverishly licked from my pussy to my crotch.

When he stood up, I saw that he was stroking himself.

Before I could deny him, he spoke for himself. "I know"

Rah pushed my lower lips apart to thumb around in the pink.

I watched him swell and throb in his hand.

He slipped his fingers back in before rubbing my juices over his tip with them.

He grunted deep in his throat and threw his head back as he massaged the cum out of himself and onto the floor.

Afterwards, he stuffed himself back into his pants. "My bad, birthday girl" He pulled me up and put his jacket on my body, zipping it all the way up.

He stuffed my panties into his jeans pocket.

"I won't do the shit around you anymore. But you just made yourself ten thousand dollars richer, removing him from the crowd and making it easy for me"

The crowd didn't stop him before.


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