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3 Months Later

She dipped the roller in the tray before sliding it across the ceiling.

The home was completely empty and felt lonelier the more she thought about it.

Jahir had changed his locks.

The boys faded out.

Corbin kept his girlfriend.

Alicia picked herself up off of the ground.

Even though she hurt, she held her head high.

Stripping had become full time again. She was just at a different club now.

Four days a week, she held and led two or three different tutoring sessions a day.

Now she was rolling in dough.

Putting her focus on money was her distraction. 


"Happy birthday, baby" She kissed his temple as he pushed one hundred dollar bills into my lingerie.

The line was overused, but she always got sent the birthday boys.

"How much to go to the back, mamas? Name your price"

"I don't go back there. I'm a good girl" Alicia spoke into his ear.

"You'on got a birthday special?"

"Why should I?"

Her teasing was getting the best of him.

"Cause you fine as hell and I got a present for you"

"A lil gift?"

"Nah, the shit's-"

A bullet tore straight through his head and she screamed when she felt the heat of the barrel on her own.

Both of her hands went up immediately.

"Please don't do this" She stared down at the slumped body beneath her; mouth wide open.

"Step off slowly. Don't do no funny shit, ma"

Alicia wondered why nobody noticed, not knowing that almost everyone was with the killer.

"Help me move the shit" The stranger put his gun down.

Alicia moved slowly.

His goal was to put fear in her heart.

"You not no snitch is it?" He pushed his knuckles into her back and pulled at her ear with his teeth.

She smelled good to him.

"No! I never saw anything"

"Good, I don't want to come see you, birthday girl. Now help me with the body"


"This shit is shit" I tossed my fries in the garbage.

Reno and Bryce did the same thing.

Nathan laughed because the shit was closer to mashed potatoes.

Corbin and his girlfriend, Vanessa walked by.

We exchanged cold looks.

"Don't feed into it" Bryce hit my chest.

"They still talk?"

"I don't know. If they do, it's discreet" Reno said.

Of course they talked.

Alicia and Corbin were inseparable.

Speaking of the devil, Alicia strolled into the cafeteria talking to some girl.

"Stop" Nathan spoke to me. "What happened to ol' girl?"

"I'm still getting head" I confirmed and turned around.

I had forgotten where I even met the girl though.



I declined another one of my parent's calls.

I didn't have it in me to speak.

Not unless I was at the club or in school tutoring.

I opened one of my boxes of things and pulled out a pair of pajamas.

Everything would be boxed up until I felt like it. That would most likely be after the interior decorators came.

My house would feel like my house by then.

I heard something outside and quickly went to the door to peer out.

It was just the mailman.

Ever since I dragged that body, I felt dirty.

Scratch that.

Ever since I fucked Corbin, I felt dirty.

Do you want to know the worst part of it all?

I had hurt Jahir deeply, and I had remembered no part of it.

It was erased from my memory, and I hated how I could do that to myself. I hated how my head fucked with me.

The doorbell rang, and I jumped in fear.

I could almost feel the gun on the back of my head again.

Instead of answering, I grabbed my computer and searched up a security company.


This is very short, but I feel like the book needs some excitement

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