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Excuse this chapter💀

Alicia read off the text book, and pointed to the fill in responses on my computer.

"You have to put in both parts to the question, Jahir. The first half is right here" She pointed to the top of the left page before flipping twice and pointing to the middle of another page. "And the second part's right here"

"So you telling me that you did the homework and that you not planning on sliding answers?"

She shook her head no. "You need to know what you're doing. I'm a tutor, not a cheater"

"I don't like your policy"

She slid the textbook over, and her phone rang.

"Hi, mommy. Tell dad that I said hi"

"Tutoring a boy in one of my classes"

"Can we go out? I want to see you guys"

"...Thursday is good for me"

"Bring who?" She smiled. "Okay. Love you too. Bye"

"My mom said hi" She said.

"What else she say?"

"To bring some guy out to eat with us Thursday. I think she likes him or something"

I was about to respond, but she cut me off. "You're distracted. You need to do your work."


"I haven't played the game all day, baby. Let me hop on the playstation real quick. Or the x-"

"No" She leaned over and turned the page. "You're reading the wrong thing"

She just got out of the shower and came down to check on me with her robe on.

I groaned and threw my head back. "Reno's probably kicking ass"

"He might be. You're working with the textbook though. You're almost done, Jahir" She kissed my cheek and moved down to my neck.

"I lost motivation" I closed the book and laid back on the couch. "If I fall asleep, let me be"

"If you finish your work in two hours, I'll dance for you and give you a lap dance down in the basement"

She disappeared into the kitchen as soon as I sat up again.

About twenty minutes later, she came back. "What do you want to eat? I don't know what I want"

She pulled my head up against her stomach and played in my hair.

"I want spaghetti and I want rolls, but I also want garlic bread. That'll be it"

"No it's not. What kind of vegetable are you going to eat with it?"

"I don't want a salad"

"Well then choose a new vegetable. We're hitting all the food groups tonight."

"Can you grill up brussels sprouts then and then season them like you did that one time?"


"And then what about fruit and dairy?" I asked.

"I wanted strawberry ice cream. That's technically both. But now I want fruit, so I'll probably cut up some fruit too.

"Baby, this meal does not go together at all. We gon' be sick"

"No we aren't"

"You can cut out the brussels sprouts cause garlic is a vegetable"

"Okay" She agreed, letting my face go.

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