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and a happpyyyy newwww yearrr!!! All ten of y'all 💀.


"This is some bullshit" Corbin mumbled, putting his shirt on. "The fuck they think I want to talk to those gnats this damn early?"

I tied my shoes and put my jacket on.

"And you looking like you ready to go out. We just going down the hall, Ali. Damn."

Corbin was not being as nice to me as he usually was.

I gave him a look, and his face softened.

"I'm sorry, baby. I just don't like it here"

I frowned and bit my lip. "Well. . . you can go home if it's affecting your mood like that. I'll be okay, Corbin"

He put on his two thousand dollar robe and tied it. "Nah. I'm not leaving you with these muh'fuckas. One of them tried to stab me"

He said it like it was new information.

"You're really wearing the robe?"

"Ali, come on. You're making us late"

So we got up and when we got to group therapy, the door was still open.

After three more minutes, the door closed and we began.

"First off, would anyone like to lead today's discussion on forgiveness?"

I looked over at Daniel and he had a black eye and a bandaged arm.

I looked at Corbin, and he turned away from me, smiling.

"What can you guys tell me about forgiveness"

"Corbin can tell you" I volunteered.

Ms. Brown looked at the both of us. "I guess the both of you can. Why don't you start, Alicia?"

"It's important to forgive yourself and to also stop allowing yourself to be around toxic people that you constantly keep having to forgive"

"I'm telling Reno that you're dragging him through the mud" Corbin said.

I laughed out loud, but I didn't mean to.

Corbin cleared his throat.

"Boujie" A girl beside Daniel said.

"You wish I was boujie" Corbin responded.

"That's ya parents money" She replied.

"Actually, the money that I currently am wearing came from my lawsuit cause my crazy medicine had traces of lead in it" Corbin said. "But my parents still buy me shit. It's a win-win"

"Corbin, you don't have to respond" I reminded him. "No one asked for your commentary, miss"

"And who asked you?"

"Corbin, what do you have to say about forgiveness?" Ms. Brown asked.

"It's important not to guilt people into forgiving you. You don't deserved to be forgiven all the time, even if you are sincere. It's important to move on no matter if you are asking/or choosing to hand out forgiveness or not"

"Thank you. I'm going to get you to write that on the board when we're done"

Ms. Brown liked Corbin, so she let some things slide.

"I think that we should talk about respect instead though cause too many damn dirty fingernail ass niggas drooling over this one" Corbin gestured towards me.

"She not all that-" The girl started.

"You dirty ass grease trap. Bitch, you wish-"

I got up and dragged Corbin away from group therapy. When we were outside the door, I turned to face Corbin. "I'm going back alone. Please go to the room"

He sucked his teeth and left without arguing.

When I got back to group therapy, the girl laughed.

I bit my lip, but decided to let it go. "Don't fucking laugh at me, you dumb bum bitch. The next fucking time you say shit to, or about me", I'm going to smack the shit out you. Mind ya business"

"Alicia, I'll see you later" Ms. Brown said.

I sighed and got out of my chair. "Okay"

I made the mistake of looking at the girl, and she had a grand ol' smirk on her face.

I kinda just floated over there, and punched her in it.

She got up, and grabbed my hair, yanking the absolute shit out of it.

"Bitch!" She called out weakly, like she was on the verge of breaking down.

I punched her in the neck and pushed her down over her chair.

And I went down with her too.

She broke my fall.

Somebody got behind me, and pretended to pull me up.

Security came though, and ripped us apart.

As soon as I had the opportunity to, I smashed my foot into the crotch of Daniel's pants. "Don't put your fucking dick on my butt! Dirty ass-"

I got pushed up against the wall aggressively, and that made me stop talking.


After that incident, I got moved to a different unit.

Corbin got a new roommate immediately, and he put all their stuff out in the hall.

Including the mattress.

So he did a couple things, and he was back with me.

"Group therapy isn't for us" Corbin said, laid out across the whole couch. "I don't care about them and they problems. They're getting riled up over us, and I ain't backing down from shit."

Ms. Brown stayed quiet for a moment. "You're released from group therapy."

"Thank you" Corbin got up, and I did too.

"Bye, Ms. Brown" I said.

"Bye, Alicia"

As soon as we got outside, Corbin threw his arm across my shoulders. "I get the feeling that you're not telling me something"

"You're absolutely right, and that's because I'm scared to tell you"


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