theboyisblocked (second upload of today)

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I'm trying to get rid of the chapters that I have stored so that you guys won't be annoyed with Ali for too long. I appreciate your feedback💕


"What's wrong?" Corbin asked. "Can I fix it?"

"Please don't"

"You having nigga problems? What's his name?"


Corbin laughed and took off my shoes, before massaging my feet.

"Why are you being nice?" I asked.

"Cause I'm trying to figure out how to please you. I'm sorry for telling you, baby"

After my mini-breakdown, I left Jahir's home and blocked him.

That was three days ago.

I didn't want to switch things up on him and have him thinking that I was crazier than what I've already contributed.

"Don't talk to me about it" I said.

"You're honestly not even that fucked up forreal. It's like you have intense mood swings. You can get by on your own. Without medication"


"I love you, Ali"

"I hate you, Corbin. I hate everything about you. I hate you for what you did to me, and I hate you for telling me about my disorder, and I hate you for being in my fucking head. I'm unhappy and I place the blame on you. You treat me like shit."

"We treat each other like shit" He corrected.

I took a deep breath and got up to leave.

"See you later, Ali"


I cried, and my mom cried with me because she didn't know how to help.

My dad was stressed out, trying to comfort the both of us.

But I had locked myself in my room, and they were on the other side of the door.

"Ali, we can talk about it. We don't want you to hurt"

"I don't - I don't know what to do" My mother cried.

I hated them for having me.

A ringing at the doorbell made my father get up and go.

I knew that it was him because my mother still cried at the door.

"We still want to help, Ali. We love you so so so so much, babygirl. Nothing changes that. You were so much happier when you started forgetting. It hurts all of us when you get hurt like this."

I started shoving the sleeve of my jacket into my mouth, biting it as I sobbed, muffling myself.

I heard my father come back and my mother stood up.

Her crying got distant.

"Ali, honey" My father knocked. "The boy from the hospital is here and he wants to talk to you"

I gagged on the jacket and stood up to get away from the door.

I settled on burying my face in my pillow and muffling myself that way.

My lock clicked.

Somebody picked it.

The door opened and creaked.

I heard footsteps in my room.

"Alicia" Jahir called out and sat down beside me.

I cried harder because I hated him too.

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