Entry #7: September 24 1991

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Greetings, my son!

Today marks a little more than 10 days since your birth and may I say: You have grown so much in the time I have spent with you.

This morning was like any other, with the same struggles and the same ordeal in the morning. I woke up to you babbling playfully as you played with your Stardust. I listened with a grin on my face as you made your little noises.

But then, you went quiet.

I walked in, leaning on the crib and I saw you cuddling the dragon tightly. I wish I could have gotten a camera and taken a picture. You loved that dragon and I could tell it easily. Your mother made a very good choice in giving it to you.

When you saw me in the corner of your eye, you immediately dropped the dragon and smiled your adorable toothless grin, holding your arms up for me to take you into my own arms. You giggled as I did so and I lightly ruffled your hair, walking into the kitchen.

As always, it didn't take you long to finish your breakfast and to begin watching your color filled cartoons about baby bunnies and chickens that would dance around numbers and letters.

You'd get a laugh from the mistakes the creatures would make, some tripping playfully and your laughter would ring in my ears.

And I loved to listen to it. I can still hear it as I write this.

You bounced on your play mat and would make your little impersonations of the animals on television, squeaking in an attempt to make the noises the animals made.

I'd watch, smiling at the amusing scene that played in front of me.

Your sitter arrived and of course, upon seeing her enter, you burst into tears. I gathered you up in my arms and you nuzzled into the hollow of my neck, sniffling and hiccuping as you did so.

Your sitter, now I should introduce her, was named Martha and was a good friend of mine. However, you thought the exact opposite. Everytime she came into the picture, you would shun her to no end, crying and not wanting to leg go of me.

This was always the hardest part of the day for both me and you. Poor wittle you didn't want your daddy to leave, but you knew that nothing would help, so you decided on just downright latching onto me the whole time.

It took some time, but eventually we got you to calm down once more with your stardust dragon, curling in a ball with your eyes tightly closed as you whimpered into the plush of your stuffed animal. It hurt to see you that way, but I had to go to work. There was no way around it.

And it was unavoidable.

But the day went by quick and when I got back, you were laughing with Martha. When the door closed, it went silent.

Martha's voice sounded, "Who's that??"

You giggled once more and then I heard something that made my heart absolutely melt.

"Da-ee!!!" You called happily.

Martha came walking around the corner in my direction with you in her arms. You beamed to me and reach out your arms.

"Da-ee! Da-ee!!" You repeated.

I grinned widely and took you into my arms, holding you close.

"Yusei!! Your first word!!!" I cheered, nuzzling him.

"He he! Da-ee!!" You said again.

Even to now, I can't help but smile at the scene. Your little voice finally forming words was a truly marvelous thing to come home to. Even if the day was gruelingly slow, that one moment made everything better.

Now, you lay in your crib, hugging the stardust dragon tightly. Since you first said my name, you hadn't stopped and I didn't mind it. Your voice and its innocence was a pure example of perfection.

You know, we've started talking about a new nuclear reactor at the facility and we haven't reached an obvious conclusion to what we'll do, but this reactor gives me a bad feeling.

Like, if we do proceed with building it, something will happen.

But whatever happens, I love you.

And nothing can ever change my love for you, my Yusei.

Your Loving Father Always,

Damon Fudo

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