Entry #2: September 10, 1991

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Author's Note: Okay, I forgot to mention this last chapter. I am aware that some of this is sorta off. Just please know that this was purely written for entertainment and to tell a good story about fatherly love. Thank you.

I have returned from the hospital with a new arrival in tow. The doctors kept a good eye on you and said that you were very stable and that you were fit enough to come home with me.

To tell the truth though, I wasn't really aware of what to do once a baby came home from the hospital. Without your mother around, I would have needed some help with some advice. Luckily though, I didn't have much to worry about. You were still pretty tired, so you dozed half of the day.

After a long nap, I heard you crying in your bed for me. I put down the book I had been reading and stood, taking off my reading glasses and making my way toward the room where you stayed. Your cheeks were lined with tears, but you whimpered when you saw me. You held the dragon's tail as you looked up at me and sniffed.

I picked you up and held you in my arms, your little face peering through a bundle of light blue cloth. I decided you must have been hungry, so I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle for you to drink out of. You immediately began drinking at once, probably gulping down your lunch as I sat in the living room with the news on. You quietly drank and I held you in my lap as news reports rolled on and on until you were finished.

I looked at the bottle, being sure you were finished before I set it down and began to pat your shoulder lightly. I walked around for a bit, repeatedly patting your shoulders and back until you let out a small burp. You were a little surprised when you heard the sound you made, and when I saw your little expression I wanted to chuckle.

You had absolutely no idea what had happened!

The rest of the day wasn't very eventful. You didn't really take another nap until after dinner, with yet another bottle of milk finished. It wasn't until after I burped you did you let out a yawn, mostly forgetting about your burp so much that you didn't really notice it. Noticing that it was also pretty late for a baby to stay up, I brought you into your room.

When I had finally got into your room, I can remember how your attention was immediately drawn to your bed, signaling a nice long sleep was in about to be cession. Your eyes drooped and I gently lay you down in your crib. I watched you for the first few minutes, still trying to comprehend all the ways my life had been changed in the last few months.

Last year, your mother told me she was pregnant with you, making me a new father. A few days ago, a new life was brought into this world, but another was sacrificed for it to happen. I had been able to take up the job, and now I silently watch as my baby son takes a quiet nap after his tiring first few days here.

"Oh Yusei..." I thought to myself, "I can only imagine how happy your mother must be right now."

You stirred in your sleep, turning toward the StarDust Dragon that sat on the left side of your crib, turning your back toward the little Kuribo. I gently grinned, not being able to deny the adorable scene as being cute.

I turned to my desk and this is where I am now, sitting as a large window to my left allows moonlight to peer into the room. I can hear your light breathing as you sleep, the only thing that can be heard in the silence. I turn around every once and a while to check on you, but you seem to be just fine. You seem to like the StarDust Dragon a bit more than Kuribo at this moment, you won't let go of the Dragon's tail and you sleep close to it at the moment, it's stuffed textures soothing as you sleep.

This first day of you being here hasn't been as eventful as it usually is. I am sure though, that over time, it will get a bit busier as we go along. You are still one of the most amazing things to happen to me, and I highly doubt that anyone or anything will ever be able to replace you.

Your love father always,
Damon Fudo

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