The Days We Never Had (Yugioh 5ds Fanfic)

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Entry #1: September 9, 1991

Hello there, Yusei.

That's right you are really reading this. This is your father speaking to you through pen and paper.

I have decided to go ahead and keep a daily journal of my 'adventures' with my new little friend so that when you are a father, you may be able to relate to some of these feelings that many men like us go through in fatherhood. I am writing this so, in the future, if something were to happen to me, you could know that you were loved through and through.

I am writing this in my home office after three days at the hospital. A tiring three days at the hospital. Behind me is a large crib with two little stuffed animals at the head beside a little pillow that read "Yusei" in blue calligraphy. The stuffed animals were little furry monsters. Your mother got you the ones she thought you would like the most. A baby version of a StarDust Dragon and a fluffy Little Winged Kuribo.

They sit on either side of the pillow as if waiting for you to come home. Your mother bought them on sale at a nearby store when she went shopping for baby supplies we might have needed. I can remember her coming home with bags, bags, and more bags from various shops and stores until I saw those stuffed animals. I, at first, didn't know what in the world that little brown fur ball was. I don't stay updated with the new stuff anyway, so I guess you could take that as an excuse.

Your mother had given birth to you only a few days ago, but I couldn't take you home with me because the doctors had to watch you for any deformities of any sort.

I think, personally, that it was kind of uncalled for, but hey. They're the doctors, right?

So, I think I should tell you about your mother since you had no chance to meet the woman.

Oh man, where do I start?

You're mother was the kindest lady ever to come into my life. Her smile, her eyes, even her voice settled my nerves in the darkest of situations and comforted me in desperate times. Her laughter was like a bird's song echoing through a forest just as dawn was breaking.

Her brown hair was always held in a beautiful up do that added a little accent to her looks. Her lips were as rosy as a...well...a rose. Her eyes were like diamonds sparkling in a grand sea of turquoise colors.

We met each other on the elementary playground in third grade. We didn't really care for each other at first though. I guess she just didn't really matter to me until about 7th or 8th grade. Back then, us boys and girls hated each other, afraid of getting the rumored "cooties" as everyone called it.

Now, when I look back on those days, I can't help but laugh. We were all so innocent back then, playing around in our own little worlds made of robots and space ships and pirates. The girls had quite the opposite. But none of us had a single care in the world.

Anyway, back to what I was saying.

Your mother was the sweetest girl in the entire grade through the years and as we grew and matured, we soon became closer than any pair in the school. We became the best of friends until finally, in 10th grade, during a halloween dance, I finally got the urge to make a move and we immediately kicked it off like any cute little couple would.

It stayed like that for years, leaving high school and going into college, not leaving each other even though we had to separate when I was accepted into a scientific industry across the country. We would write to each other all the time, writing daily letters and keeping the other updated on everything.

I graduated a few months before her, so I was able to successfully join her for her graduation.

And it was there that I asked her to marry me and to live a happy life with me.

Of coarse she said yes, and this is where we are now.

Your mother, though I absolutely hate to say it, died right after giving birth. The labor was far too much for her to take in and she, after holding you for a while, left this world and passed through to the next.

I must say, even though you didn't know me, you certainly knew who your mother was. They said that after your mother had left, you burst into tears and they couldn't calm you down until I came into the room. You at first wasn't sure who I was when I had picked up up and held you, but you were really too tired to care.

I can remember the first time I met you three days ago. Those glowing blue eyes and that little button nose had certainly come from your mother. You had my black hair that was in small curls at the time, but would have grown to be like mine. How sweet you looked in the bundle of cloth made my heart melt. Your little fingers that were minuscule against mine were just one of the many reasons I was proud to call you my son.

I could remember your mother going through books and books of baby names, trying to find the right one that fit her liking. She had found many names that sounded sweet, but not what she would have wanted. Finally, after stressing over everything she and I had found, we decided to just create our own name for you.


You might be wondering how we had come up with such a name. Well, a few days before the decision was made, the industry, R.R.D., had discovered a new particle that had the power to bind particles together, also known as Yuusei Ryuushi. We agreed to name you in honor of that substance since we wanted you to bind people together in harmony.

I whispered your name as I sat in the chair beside your mother's bed as I came to the truth. Your mother had created something wonderful and had left me to take care of it. She trusted me with delicate life and I was not going to put that to waste. I rested my forehead on yours with a faint smile on my face as I held the sleeping baby closer.

Soon though, the doctors had to take you away from me, but they say that tomorrow I can go back and bring you home. I believe you will like it here. We have everything that we believe will make you happy and we hope it will satisfy you.

Your loving father always,

Damon Fudo

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