"Fine, call them over. Let them know that Red Hood is here, we don't need Jason getting beat up." Bruce Said, and Cassy nodded.

'Jaybird.' Everyone froze, and turned to look at lily. Her eyes where slightly clearer and the blue tattoo was turning gold, and her skin showed even more proof of how weak she really is.

'Jaybird, Dami, Timbo, Cassy, Steph, Alfie, Tati.' Lily said quietly, before she gripped her head and screamed. Making everyone jump back in alarm, and reducing the bat kids to tears. Lily was thrashing around, and screaming. The tattoos where pulsing, and her eyes where switching between gold and blue. Then, she just stopped. Went limp, and silent.

"B-Bruce, is is she ok?" Asked a very scared Tim, and Bruce just looked at his daughter.

"I don't know Tim, but she's alive." Was all he managed to say, before the younger bats burst out sobbing. Damien, Cassy, Stephanie, and Tim all started crying. That was too much, they couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Shhh, come here. I've got ya." Jason Said, as he gently pulled his siblings into a hug, to try and comfort them. Bruce just sent the message to his friends, before joining Jason.

"Ahh, it'll be alright." Jason cooed.

"How, how can you know that?" Asked Stephanie, Who was barely able to speak.

"I know, because I was in a similar situation to Lily. The Lazarus Pit, it made me go insane. Gave me the urge to kill, and to be violent. It took away part of my soul, and replaced it with a monster. The court, they may have tried to turn Rach into a killer, but look. She's fighting tooth and nail to not let them win.

She's the strongest one of us, we all know that. Lily is also the lightest, She is the purest out of us. Even though she's seen horror that would make grown men pee their pants, and faced off villains that make the man of steel crap himself, she stays in the light.

Lily stayed strong, we know she did. How else would Barbra have been able to send the team after her? She managed to escape, then the court tried to force her to become a Talon. We all know that Lily is cut from Nth metal, she won't succumb to mind control as long as even a portion of her is still in there. She'll get better, we just need to be there for her. Like how she's always there for us, after all, it's a big siblings job to protect their younger siblings, yet it's the younger siblings job to be their for their older siblings." Jason Said, and all the bat kids stopped crying. He just was open with them, sincere and caring, things he hasn't been in a while.

"Thank you Jay." Said Cassy and Stephanie, he just kissed them on the forehead.

"Thank you Jason, maybe you're not the imbecile I thought you to be." Damien Said, making Jason chuckle.

"Thank you Jay, Lily would be proud." Said Tim quietly, and Jason smiled.

"Anytime Replacement. Anytime." The bet kids then got up, and sat down on the medical beds that where next to their sister. All not wanting to leave her alone, and desperately wanting the comfort their sister always provided.


The founding JLA members stepped out of the Zeta, and into the Batcave, and where immediately greeted by the bats closest friend. Their Butler, Alfred Pennyworth.

"Ahh, Master Clark, Master John, Master J'honn, Mistress Diana, Mistress Shaira. The Masters and Mistresses have been expecting you, this way please." He said in his posh British accent, making the adults smile due to the familiarity he provided.

"Alfred, how is she?" Asked John, Who has been quite worried for his niece. The elderly butler sighed, which meant it couldn't be good.

"Mistress Liliana is strong, she has been fighting since she was found. However, whatever was done to her, it's had some nasty side effects." He said, as he gestured for them to go into the bat caves med bay.

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