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the meeting was quite boring for david, but it was the best time to daydream and to let his mind wonder. his thoughts were interrupted by "could you please sign the contract now, mr. walliams?" it appeared tjat david was staring blankly at the stack of paper for a couple of minites now, without realizing.
"o-oh, yeah. sorry." david muttered and quickly signed on the dotted line.
after that, the meeting went smoothly and nobody bothered david anymore, apart from the end, which is when simon tapped his shoulder and told him to stay for a chat.
oh no. david thought. his mind immediately jumped to: what did i do now?
whenever simon and him had a 'chat' he was in trouble. usually because of the rude jokes he would make during the show.
"come round my office. i own this whole building yknow?" simon said, when everyone else was out of the room.
"alright then." david responded, standing up and following simon.
simons office was huge. it was way too much space for one person. it showed that he didnt even use it.
he lay on the couch casually, while david sat on the chair opposite.
"so i wanted to see if you were alright, david. you kind of blanked out before signing the contract. you sure that you dont have dementia yet?" simon said jokingly, and him and david were bursting out of laughter.
"im 12 years younger than you. if anyone should be getting dementia by now it should be you!" david says defensively.
"you're probably like that x factor contestant, the one that faked their age!" simon fired back. in the midst of their laughter, lauren, simons wife, enters the room.
"hey, darling." she says, kissing simon on the cheek.
"oh! david, how are you!"
"yeah, im very well, thank you."
"well thats great! what have you been doing nowadays. still writing books, i suppose?"
"yep, still writing. im actually thinking of getting an office instead of writing in my apartment. ive been hearing some rather interesting noises comin- "
shit simon thought. what was he doing?
"david, please, let me do the honors. he was just telling me about his neighbor who decided to take up yodeling! some very strange n-noises indeed. a-anyways, we need to get back to work!"
simon cleared his throat nervously, staring at lauren expectantly and begging her to leave.
"well, it was nice seeing you, david."
lauren exited the room, and simons heart rate finally went back to normal.
"what the fuck? we've spoken about this. l-listen i told you. i dont want her finding out. i-i'll do anything to stop you from playing your stupid l-little games."
"anything?" david asks.

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