Tina Goldstein.

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"Come on." The brunette woman led them along, Anna finally tugged her arm free, shooting her "Kidnapper" a filthy look.

"I can walk on my own, thanks." Newt turned to give her a look, evidence of a small smile on his face, she really hadn't changed since their Hogwarts days, even if she didn't remember them.

"I'm sorry, but I do have things to do, actually."

"Well..." the woman scoffed as if their plans had no merit. "You'll have to rearrange them. Miss Lisle, I'm sorry if you're late for your performance."

"I'm sure you are."

"What are you doin' in New York, anyway?"

"I came to buy a birthday present." The brunette witch led them through the line of cars towards a large white skyscraper.

"Couldn't you have done that in London?"

"No, there's only one breeder of Appaloosa Puffskein's in the world, and he lives in New York, so, no." stepping up to the door the guard looked at the group and then at the brunette.

"I got a section 3-A. Hey. By the way, we don't allow the breeding of magical creatures in New York. We closed that guy down a year ago."

"What's an Appaloosa Puffskein?"

"It's a bit difficult to explain, I've got a book on magical creatures I can show you." The idea of re-teaching her about all of his favorite magical creatures was exciting, but first they had to deal with this.

"I'd really like that." The three walked past what looked like the goblins you saw in children's books.

"What kind of creature is that?" The brunette witch internally groaned at all the questions but let it slide, now Knowing Anna had been missing in action with no memories for 13 long years.

"It's a house elf. They are immensely loyal and devoted to those they serve."

"So there's slavery in the magical world?"
"Oh, no...well...I mean yes, in some circles, but most house elves rather enjoy the work." Anna nodded, looking up at the seemingly endless tower above them now.

"Hey, Goldstein."

"Hey, Red." Anna looked down at the House Elf with interest.

"Oh, Hello." The stout creature looked her over as they stepped into the elevator. "Major investigation department."

"I thought you was—"

"Major investigation department, I got a section 3-A." the three headed into a room where people hunched over a table, in a heated debate of sorts.

"—It could mean war." Anna's eyes settled on the two main figures, a tan skinned woman with blonde hair tucked under a headdress of sorts and a man with dark and peppered hair who seemed to take a small bit of interest in her.

"I made your position here quite clear, Ms. Goldstein."

"Yes, Madame President. But I..."

"You are no longer an Auror."

"No, Madame President, but..."

"Goldstein." Anna looked at the woman before her.
"There's been a minor—"

"This office is currently concerned with very major incident. Get out."

"Yes Ma'am."

"And obliviate this No-Maj." Anna didn't move from her spot, the dark-haired man's eyes still on her as the MACUSA president walked away.

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