Year 4 part 1

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Anna and Newt stepped onto the platform, she'd wound up staying with the Scamander family, this time though it was longer than anticipated. Her own parents being called off on business elsewhere. Anthea seemed to adore having another girl in the house and made the young Hufflepuff feel more than welcome.

"You two have a good fourth year, Theseus told me they're hosting the Tri-wizard tournament at Hogwarts."

"Yeah, I over heard the professors talking about it last year with Headmaster Black." She remembered Dumbledore telling her the next time she wanted information to talk to the portraits and a small laugh escaped her.

"Oh, wonderful, so you already knew." Anna nodded, leaving her trolley with the train attendant as they walked towards one of the open train doors.

"Well, you'll have to write me when they announce the champions, Maybe it'll be Thes." Climbing onto the train newt hugged his mother good bye and the two teens set off searching for an empty compartment.

"Newt, Anna!" A familiar head of dark hair poked out of a compartment, motioning them inside.

"How was your summer, Leta?"

"I went to Paris for a while, it was interesting learned about some of the wizarding culture over there, and we met a Veela. What about you two, then?"

"Oh, I spent a majority of the summer with Anna, her parents got called away on hospital business." Leta looked at Anna.

"I didn't know you're parents were doctors, I bet you know a lot of medical things then, are you good at herbology?" Anna bit back laughter, at least Leta was being friendly now, a complete 180 from last year.

"No, I'm rubbish at Herbology, but Newt's been helping me, I think we actually have it together this year, what about you. What are your classes looking like?" Newt Leaned back in his seat, relieved the two females were getting on.

"I have defense against the dark arts with you and Newt, and I did opt into the dueling club, I look forward to your and Dumbledore's lessons, Anna. I think I might also have potions with the two of you as well."

"I'm not going to go easy on anyone during dueling demonstrations, I expect you both to do the same." Newts ears perked up.

"Anna, did you tell her?"

"Tell me, tell me what?" Anna grinned. "We're putting our names in for the tri-wizard tournament." She looked less than excited.

"People die in that tournament, Anna." Leta thought the brunette out of her mind.

"You only live once, right?"

"Newt, talk some sense into her."

"Why, it'd only go in one ear and out the other, she's been dead set on this since last year when she found out."

"And you're just going to go along with it?"

"Of course, I'm not going to break my promise, Leta." The dark-skinned teen just shook her head, "You two are the most daft Hufflepuff's I've ever met." In her mind she was already working out ways to stop them as the familiar countryside rolled past them like a memory.


Once the sorting of new students had finished and they'd gone to their assigned tables Headmaster Black stepped up to the podium.

"Students, before we begin our annual welcoming feast, I have an announcement." Murmurs already echoed in the hall.

"This year will be a very special occasion, we're hosting the Tri-wizard tournament and our sister schools Ilvermorny and Castelobruxo will be joining us on our campus. I urge you, upon their arrival to be welcoming and accommodating. These students will also be attending lessons with you, so please help your fellow witches and wizards, as we await their arrival to our school, I am pleased to announce classes will be delayed until next week to give them and yourselves a chance to settle in and catch up with your friends as well as make new ones." The murmurs grew,

Beauty and the Beast Master. (Newt Scamander X Original Female character)Where stories live. Discover now