Year 4 part 10 (Task 3 part 3)

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The fire had gone on longer than the two fourth years anticipated, eventually dying out after a couple of days.

"Remember the plan, and be as loud as you can, we're going to make them think we've turned on one another and then we can blind side them." Anna had explained the plan in detail and the more he understood the more he was willing to go along with it. Sarah was crafty but not all that bright it seemed, the fire had started from an area up higher in the hills, from that point it didn't take long to find the camp.


"What do I start with?"

"We should start with verbal, just basic back and forth mud-slinging."

"Whatever you say, bossy..."

"What?" catching on she went along with it.

"I called you bossy."

"I am not bossy, you're just not assertive!"

"No, you're bossy! And kind of short."

"Well at least I don't love beasts more than people!"

"You are so shallow!" he drew his wand.

"Better shallow than stupid!" she copied him, hearing something in the trees, she smiled, urging him to listen.

"I should have picked Leta, at least she can keep her opinions to herself!" okay, that one had hurt a little, but their plan was working.

"Well why don't you go marry Leta?!"

"Aww, lover's quarrel?" Success, Sarah and her partner Leon stepped out of the trees, "Make this easy on us and just finish yourselves off." Wands drawn on the two younger students they looked to each other, Anna motioning with her eyes towards Leon.

"Confringo!" Newt quickly deflected her false attack before launching one of his own.

"Everte Statum!" he had paid special attention to this one during dueling club meetings, Anna let the spell hit her, throwing her backwards and pretending to be knocked out. That's when Sarah and Leon turned on Newt.

"Now that the partner is out, we just have to take you down and we win. Luck for us you two turned on one another" Newt stared at the older students, keeping his eyes averted, he'd never done well with conflict, but if this worked out, and he hoped it would, Anna would blindside Sarah while he took on Leon.

"I-Imobulus!" Newt aimed his wand for Leon who ducked out of the way, "Expelliarmus!" Newts wand flew out of his hand and into the awaiting boy's. now would be a good time, in his opinion, for Anna to step in. A thick fog filled the area, disorienting the two Ilvermorny students, Newt looked to Anna who still looked out of it, he'd read about silent spell casting but was she really that skilled?

"A-Anna?" Newt looked around to see if she was up, but couldn't see anything through the dense fog, a sudden thud left him alert, she had to be up, unless in their confusion Sarah and Leon blasted each other.


"What in the—" another thud, Newt searched frantically for whoever, not liking being this blind Newt back towards the surrounding tree line.

"Newt!" He felt something lightly hit him, looking down at the ground in front of him he spotted his wand. He sighed in relief but also frustration, the fog made this duel a whole lot harder, none of them could see each other.

"Do you trust me?"


"Do you trust me, Newt?" Of course he trusted her, she was his best friend...and his girlfriend, as strange as the word sounded to him.

Beauty and the Beast Master. (Newt Scamander X Original Female character)Where stories live. Discover now