year 4 part 6

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"Welcome to the Dueling Club!" Anna stood on the platform with Dumbledore, looking over some familiar faces and some not, Newt and Leta smiled up at her, the former waving a bit.

"Those of you who signed up have shown interest in furthering your defense against dark arts knowledge."

"Professor why is that mud-blood up there" A snide 6th year from Gryffindor house asked, her voice sickeningly sweet.

"Miss Carrio will be assisting me, and we do not use terms like Mud-Blood in this room, Miss Gavell. Anyone who is hear to learn spells for the wrong reasons may leave immediately." Anna stared at the girl from Gryffindor who immediately backed down at Dumbledore's words, Leta gave her friend a reassuring smile.

"Today we will not be dueling, obviously, but we will pair off and work on defensive refresher spells, for example..." it was a matter of which caster was quicker.

"Expelliarmus!" Students looked on in surprise as Anna disarmed the elder wizard, "Very good, Anna!" There was applause scattered about the room as Dumbledore picked up his wand again, a proud smile plastered on his face.

"Most of you are ready for more advanced spells so we'll have our first years split off and work on the disarming charm, the rest of you will split off when we tell you too, from there Anna and I will be going around to check progress." The first years did as told and split off from the group.

"Alright, Onto the spell for second years. Anna?" The brunette stepped forward, doing her best to look confident. "Second years, you will be learning Protego, the shielding spell. This will be useful in knocking an opponent's spell away from you, so if Professor Dumbledore will once again help me demonstrate?" The student and teacher pair took their positions on the platform.


"Protego!" Dumbledore had tried to disarm Anna, who in turn was effective with her demonstration of the shielding spell, before launching a spell back, "STUPEFY!" Students watched with intrigue as their professor was knocked back.

"Second years, you will practice with these two spells only today, remember we will be coming around to check on you. Split off and begin practicing." Newt watched with admiration, the brunette certainly had a knack for teaching, he wondered if she'd become a professor while he went travelling the world, learning about his beasts...or maybe...if she'd travel with him. She quickly instructed the third years before finally moving onto their year.

"Alright forth years!" All eyes were on here, the Gryffindor girl from before clearly seemed impressed at how knowledgeable Anna was in the field.

"You will be working on Protego paired with Flipendo-tria." Leta had remembered reading about that spell.

"Flipendo-Tria is a tornado like jinx that will hit you rapid fire, you need to be quick on your toes to defend yourself, or you will go flying." She recounted her first experience with the spell last year. Students watched with interest as Dumbledore launched the offensive spell this time, Anna cast the shield spell and moved her arm in a triangular formation to avoid getting hit.

"Don't worry if it hit's you the first few time's, you will get it, I promise. All, right, pair off and practice." She watched Newt and Leta pair off, knowing Leta wouldn't go easy on him she grinned.

"Don't hurt him too much, Lestrange!" once instruction for the remaining 3 years had been given and everyone split off with their chosen partners Dumbledore looked around the crowd.

"Well done, Professor Carrio." She looked up at him with a strange expression. "I'm not good enough to be a teacher."

"On the contrary, you did wonderfully." Pink filled her peripheral vision. "Go on, I think some of the first years need some guidance." The too-wise-for-his-age wizard pushed her towards the first-year students and she jumped right in to showing them proper stance.

Beauty and the Beast Master. (Newt Scamander X Original Female character)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora