Year 4 part 4

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"Gentleman," All eyes were on Kettleburn, Anna wondered exactly how this man was going to teach them how to dance a proper waltz when he only had one real leg and a metal contraption for a hand.

"Please, find a partner, we will be working on steps today." The crowd soon split off, boys and girls standing next to their chosen dance partner.

"Anna?" she looked up to see Newt, "Come to woo me with your wonderful dancing again?" she teased, he rolled his eyes.

"Come on." He hauled her up and off the bleachers.

"Wonderful, now that you all have a partner. Gentleman, your left arm should be raised so that the elbow is slightly lower than the shoulder and the elbow is bent sharply so that the left forearm slopes upwards and slightly forward from elbow to hand." Around the room students shuffled and Newt felt his courage dwindling.

"Come on, this isn't the most awkward thing we've done. Remember second year when..." he placed a hand over her mouth, shaking his head as he placed his arm how Kettleburn had instructed.

"Now, the lady will then place the fingers of her right hand between the thumb and first fingers of the man's left hand. The man's fingers then close loosely over the side of the woman's right hand." Anna giggled as Newts face dusted with pink. Kettleburn's eyes scanned the room, a few of the students seemed to struggle so he stepped in to help.

"Wonderful, Now, the Man's right arm sloped slightly downwards from shoulder to elbow and the hand is placed comfortably on the Lady's shoulder blade. The Lady's left arm is then placed comfortably on the man's right arm with her left hand resting lightly on the man's right arm just below the shoulder." The hold was the easiest part of the Waltz but also easily the most embarrassing considering that the current batch of students was packed full of awkwardness and developing hormones.

"Now..." Professor Kettleburn flicked his wand towards the Gramophone in the corner and a soft melody began.

"Men step forward with your left foot, ladies, step back with your right." Each pair did as instructed.

"It would just be easier to enchant a pair of shoes..." Newt choked back a laugh, "Ladies, step forward with your left foot and men step back with your right." Shuffling feet filled the room once again.

"No, just repeat to the music, start slow, do not step on your partners' feet." Newt and Anna moved back and forth to the music, him watching his feet and her staring off at the wall.

"No, no, no. look at your partner, you'll mis-step if you don't." Now both of their faces turned red as their eyes met.

"Wonderful, now try moving to the music. Nothing to be shy about." Maybe not in his opinion, he had no idea of their history. Newt stepped forward first, leading her around the floor.

"Well, he might be a bit cooky when it comes to teaching about magical creatures...but he certainly knows what he's talking about with dancing."

"I expect he'll be retiring before long." Neither knew it would be decades before the man did finally leave Hogwarts behind him. Finally Kettleburn announced lessons were over.

"Well done, everyone, you'll be ready for the ball in no time at all!" Anna had written home to inform her parents of the ball they'd written back that they'd send her some dress options.

"Have you got a suit?"


"Well, obviously the champions lead us in..." he looked startled by the news.

Beauty and the Beast Master. (Newt Scamander X Original Female character)Where stories live. Discover now