Year 5 part 2

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"Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts, Students!" All eyes were on the headmaster, "Now that our new first years have been sorted, I have a few announcements. Anna tuned the man out, she was overwhelmingly tired, and with no idea why, she wished the ache in her head would go away too.

"With that being said, have a wonderful year." Headmaster black took his usual seat at the center of the teachers table and student chatter filled the room.

"I think I'm just going to call it a night. I'm really tired." Newt looked up from his book, he'd picked up a book on creatures from Flourish and Blott's when they'd gone to Diagon alley.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll see you in the morning." She smiled as she got up and left the great hall.

"Sleep well." He watched her go before diving back into his book, interested in the chapter about occamies.


The door to the dorms opened and closed and he scanned the common room for his friend, she had developed a habit of sleeping on the couch in front of the fireplace, but he saw no sign of her.

"If you're looking for Anna, no one's seen her, we even checked both dorms." He felt panic set in, if she wasn't in the girls' dorms and certainly not in the boys' dorms where would she be? He hurried up the stairs a small bit of hope in his chest.

Once in the boys dorms he hurried over to his trunk throwing the top open and hurriedly stepping down into it, looking around the small shack like room he heard something from the area he'd turned into a bedroom, he only really came in here now when the other boys got too rowdy. pushing the door open he heaved a breath of relief and smiled at the brown-haired girl asleep on the bed.

"Thank Merlin." Closing the door quietly Newt sat down on the bed, a relaxed smile on his face as he shifted to lay down next to her, tugging the blankets back up over their individual forms, hesitating before lightly draping his arm over her as he drifted off.


He was startled awake when he felt something move through his hair.

"Good morning." Seafoam eyes met brown and green, a tired smile presented on both students' faces.

"Feeling better?"

"My head still hurts a bit, but other than that, I feel...wonderful." She smiled, tilting her head to look up at him, the red in his hair had toned down some over the summer holiday and it was now a more sandy -brown color and he had more freckles than he had last year. Likewise, Newt took notice of how changes, her jawline was much more defined now and her skin was a warmer color now, probably because of all the time she'd spent outside with him during her annual visit.

"Sorry if I worried you." Keeping her pressed close he merely smiled, "I was more worried about that day in Diagon alley."

"I still don't know what happened, I heard someone's voice in my head but when I got outside..."

"There wasn't anyone there. I know." He took notice the strange bit of platinum hair still had not vanished, he wondered if this had anything to do with Dumbledore's words from last year, he remembered him talking to the doctor back then about a block of sorts.

"It was oddly familiar." Withdrawing her hand from his hair she moved to sit up, much to the Hufflepuff boy's dismay, cuddling with her was oddly comfortable.

"I don't know about you, but I'm hungry." As if to betray him Newts own stomach growled, Anna merely laughed.

"Up you go." He'd never admit it, but he'd rather have stayed in bed, holding her close to him, watching the steady rise and fall of her chest as she slept, knowing there may be more of these moments he got up and followed her out of the trunk, making sure no one was left in the boy's dormitory as they climbed out.


As classes resumed Anna made quick work of diving back into dueling club meetings, students from last year happy to see her return.

"Ah, the professor in the making returns." Startled, Anna quickly turned to face the person who'd snuck up behind her

"Maria!" the two quickly high fived one another" Kids are already asking if you're going to run tutoring sessions again, and we've only been back in classes for two weeks."

"I'd thought about it, but maybe wait until we start getting to the more advanced work, the first few weeks are always review, anyways." Maria nodded, clapping the 5th year on the back.

"I've also got my O.W.L's to worry about, can't get a decent job if I fail, can I?" Dumbledore strode into the room and Anna made her way to the small stage.

"Welcome and welcome back students." The first years that had shown up had heard about club meetings from siblings, most likely, but their wide-eyed enthusiasm was heart-warming.

"To those of you returning to our dueling club, I expect you to set a good example for our new first years. And to those of you graduating, I expect you to learn something you can use in the real world." There was a mischievous twinkly in the brown-haired man's eyes.

"Our meeting today will be short as it is the first of the year, but I expect you to make friends, nothing is more important than your connections." Anna listened as he carried on, students eventually split off, introducing themselves and chatting with one another, she smiled.

"How was your summer, Anna?" the looked up at her professor, "It was what it usually was, My stay at the Scamander household got extended when my parents trip was prolonged, But Anthea was more than accommodating." The older man smiled, his expression faltered however, noticing the strand of bright blonde hair peeking through the brown.

"How did that happen?" Dumbledore had his suspicions but didn't want to alarm her or worry, incase the block was still in place.

"I'm not really sure, it happened in Diagon Alley when Newt and I were getting our school things. We went to the Amber badger for lunch and I remember feeling a bit dizzy, it's been there ever since." That voice echoed in her head again.

"His voice sounded so familiar..."

"Whose voice, Anna?" fear settled in the man's chest. "I'm not sure, but his voice was gentle, he was talking about how he'd finally found me." Had all of his work been in vain, he'd tried to hard to keep her out of harm's way, thankfully she seemed to still have no idea who it was.

"Anna, I want you to listen to me, if you hear this voice again, please, come to me straight away." Brown and green stared at green eyes.


"Promise me, Anna." She caught the urgency in his voice, feeling his grip on her shoulders tighten, she nodded.

"Yes, Professor." He instantly relaxed, the smile returning to his face. "Now go on, catch up with your friends." With a curious side way glance she shrugged and hurried into a group of mismatched students.


"He really asked you about Diagon Alley?" Anna nodded, digging into her food, "He seemed really worried about something, but I didn't want to push it. Made me promise to come to him if I hear it again though, like someone is going to break into Hogwarts to get to me." She almost laughed at the idea but decided against it.

"He's right, if you're hearing a voice you need to make sure to alert him, or the headmaster at least."

"I know Newt." The sandy haired boy looked down at the table, uncertainty graced his features.

"Will you..." he stopped, "Will you tell me, too?" reaching across the table, Anna took his hand as a sign of reassurance.

"I'll always tell you if something's wrong...I..." She stopped, now did not feel like the right moment to tell him such things.

"I promise." She smiled, catching the curious look in his eyes, "You mean so much to me, Newt, you don't even know."

"You mean the world to me, Anna." She felt the seemingly common blush form on her cheeks, wondering just when it was he got so suave.

Beauty and the Beast Master. (Newt Scamander X Original Female character)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant