Year 3 part 1

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The summer had been long but between the letters and eventually her visit to the scamanders' home Anna had had an exceptional holiday.

Newt however had grown taller over the summer, and Anna's face had started to thin out, her body starting to develop curves and the reddish haired boy certainly took notice the second he spotted her on the platform, her brown hair also had a different kind of shine to it, to him it was like he was seeing her for the first time all over again, even though it had only been a little over 2 months.

"Newt?" he obviously had not heard her the first time, her stared into the seas of green and brown that were her eyes before snapping out of it.
"O-Oh, um, s-sorry." He averted his eyes, looking anywhere but her face, had she always had those freckles dotting her nose? She giggled and snapped him back to attention.

"What's wrong with you? You'd almost think I'd sprouted another head. Ooh, I bet I could do that!" her nose scrunched up as she focused, all that happened was her hair turning a mix of colors.

"I-I don't think any wizard can do that...unless of course it was a spell gone wrong, perhaps." She just smiled again.

"I think you may be right, but it would certainly be a sight...oh, I made a rhyme!" he'd never tire of her, shaking his head he left this trolley for the person loading their trunks and ushered her to the train.

"Come on, or it'll leave us behind."

As they walked through the train cars Anna found her eyes trailing the ground as a few boys muttered comments as the pair passed the compartments, "Whoa, 10 points to Hufflepuff, looking good Carrio." A scowl etched itself onto her face, and unbeknownst to her Newt scowled as well.

"Bugger off, DuPont." The Ravenclaw boy snickered, "If I knew you'd turn out so enticing I'd have asked you out, too bad you hang out with Salamander, Kind of a deal breaker"

"Well, at least Newt isn't a reprehensible baboon. He has the decency to treat me like a human being as opposed to some kind of trinket." A small bit of pride rose in Newts chest at her words, his mother had drilled into him from a very young age that you were to treat ladies with respect, it seemed to be paying off.

"honestly, the nerve." They found an empty compartment and ducked inside. "DuPont has grown rather arrogant over the summer, hasn't he?" Newt simply nodded, watching her hair turn to it's fiery red again.
"Anna, Calm down." Seeing the red in her peripheral vision she took a deep breath and held it, watching her hair fade from red to blue for a moment then back to brown.

"Sorry, guess I kind of lost it." He shrugged it off and fished out a book from his bag "I-I hope you don't mind but I kind of started keeping notes on how your hair changes with your mood. Anna shook her head "No, it's fine, honestly...I've been doing the same thing." His eyes flew up as she fished out her own journal "I've also been working on changing my features, see!" her whole face resembled a Jarvey, a magical creature that resembled a ferret, only difference really is that they are capable of human speech.

"Th-that's quite good." He watched as her face changed again "Look, I'm a niffler!" he snorted "You know, I think I have a coin in my pocket" she laughed "Give me all your shiny things!" her face changed back to normal as the two of them reveled in their shared laughter. The scenic English countryside blasting past them as the train rolled down the tracks.

"I'm going to go change into my robes. Be back in a bit." With that the compartment door slid shut and newt caught himself watching her walk off, a blush on his face.

"Stupid, she's your friend!" he mentally slapped himself, she'd never feel the same about him anyways, they had a sibling relationship. A whistle stirred him from his thoughts.

Beauty and the Beast Master. (Newt Scamander X Original Female character)Where stories live. Discover now