(Ignore Dialga)
There was a figure that was floating in the middle of the space, it was blue in colour and had its head hung low with its eyes closed and its limbs slightly folded.

(Ignore Dialga)There was a figure that was floating in the middle of the space, it was blue in colour and had its head hung low with its eyes closed and its limbs slightly folded

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Opening its eyes, they were revealed to be red in colour and a small growl came from its mouth. Its unfolded itself and its eyes glowed.

This was none other than Dialga himself, the ruler of time, in other words, the God of Time. He stretched out and gave a mighty roar that caused the dimension to start moving again.

"How long has it been? Since we've last awoken?" Dialga wondered. He then closed his eyes as the blue lines on his body glowed. "Almost a billion years, ha?"

Dialga cracked his neck before narrowing his eyes, he felt a disturbance in his dimension and looked to see Palkia fly out of a portal.

Palkia spotted Dialga and flew over towards him before stopping right in front. "Dialga, how long has it been?"

"Almost a billion years, It makes me wonder what has changed of the worlds below ours." Dialga responded.

"Agreed. Then why don't we have a little trip?" Palkia suggested.

"You want to travel to the worlds below?"

"Precisely, Just like you, I'm quite interested to see how far they have progressed during our slumber."

"I suppose. If we're going to be paying them a visit, we shall change our forms to blend ourselves in, and make sure to suppress our powers."


That was when both of their bodies began to glow, Dialga glowed blue while Palkia glowed purple as their bodies became much smaller.

They began to shift into a much more human-like appearance, they appeared to be fair skinned individuals who were also children of the age of what looked to be twelve.

They were quite stunning for their age, that would render many speechless, on each of their necks were pendants that had their colours.

Dialga had raven black hair and pale black eyes. On his neck was the pendant that was blue in colour.

 On his neck was the pendant that was blue in colour

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Palkia was different than Dialga, his hair was white and his eyes were a pale silver colour

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Palkia was different than Dialga, his hair was white and his eyes were a pale silver colour. On his neck was a purple and white pendant.

 On his neck was a purple and white pendant

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"These forms shall do nicely, we'll also need to give ourselves false identities just in case

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"These forms shall do nicely, we'll also need to give ourselves false identities just in case." Dialga suggested. His voice was higher pitched.

"In that case, I'll be known as Vast Space in this form." Palkia stated. His voice had also altered and became higher pitched.

"I'll be Echo Time... wow, I just realised how ironic our names that we just chose are and the unintended pun we made." Echo sweatdropped.

"Who cares, they sound cool at least. My name is like saying. My name is Palkia, the name that is heard throughout the entire vastness of space!"

"Yeah, and mines pretty much yelling. I'm Dialga, the name that echoes throughout all of time."

"Well, anyway, you ready to get going?" Vast asked. Echo nodded his head before Vast held out his hand and the space in front of him began to distort as a portal appeared.

They then both entered through the portal.

The True Gods (Highschool DxD Fanfic and Multiverse Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora