Ch 13: Pranks, PART. 2

Start from the beginning

Omar however was still being stubborn.
"I still have some of that herb mixture that Clem brought from James. We could spike it with that" Ruby announced. Already looking for the said product.
You look over at Omar who hasn't budged one bit, "come on.. we need your help" you plead this time.
AJ started to give the best puppy dog eyes he could manage.
Omar's face shifted to a defeated look- "okay. I'll participate. But if anything happens-

"Nothing will happen. I promise" you cut him short of his words.
He nods understandably and helps Ruby search.

"I wonder how he'll react" AJ murmured.
"Hopefully something worthwhile." You reply.
"I found it!" Ruby yelled. Her hand was clutched around the that held the herbs, that would soon become Louis' dinner.
"Let's get to work then." Omar mumbled, stepping away from the cabinet he was just looking around in.
"Can I help!?" AJ asked excitedly, rushing over to the bench.

"No." Omar snapped. "Only cooks should do this."
AJ's face saddened immediately, his head hung low as his foot slightly kicks at the floor.
"O-ok" he stuttered.
Your heart sank at the sight and so did Ruby's- "hey, of course you can little buddy! Here start with this" Ruby's offer perked up AJ as a smile flashed onto his face.
A pot was laid near him, "now all you have to do, is put these pre-cut vegetables in the boiled water" Ruby instructed him. Whilst Omar glared from the sidelines, preparing other ingredients for the dinner.

You felt the urge to look outside the window to see if Louis and Clem had returned. And to your much needed luck, there were still out.

A bad feeling started to sit in your stomach. But you shook it off as nothing.
Because it was nothing right?...


"It's finished!" Ruby and AJ yell in unison. Proud of the fresh stew they made together with the help of Omar.
You lean off the wall and have a look at the food. A serving was ready for Louis, the batch that had the contents of the herbal medicine.
While the rest of the stew was untouched and was tone eaten by everyone else.
You left aside another bowl for Louis so after he ate the spiked food, he'd have a proper dish for dinner to back it up. So you weren't actually starving him.

AJ hopped off the stool he was kneeling on the help cook, and handed you the serving that Louis would have to eat first.

"Guys, hurry up! They're back." Omar looked back from the window with concern.
We instantly scurried around and placed the bowls of food on the bench for people to take.
You and AJ had the dinner for Louis- a smile plastered on his face.
"Should i tell Clem about this?" He inquired as you two walked down the hall, side by side.
"Not until the prank is over. I don't think she would agree with the whole spiking food situation" you explain to the boy to which he surprisingly nods in understanding.

You both reach the doors that lead outside but you freeze. Realising that James was with them..
Your eyes watch as Louis speaks at little to him before instantly making his way over to the building. You tense.
"What's wrong?" AJ asks beside you. Slightly concerned with your sudden change of aura.

Louis comes closer, Chairles swung over his shoulder lazily.
Your grip on the bowl tightens.

Once Louis was up the stairs and at the door, his eyes lock onto yours.
His face immediately lights up as he jolts the door open fastly and hurries over.
"Hi little man!" He quickly acknowledges AJ's presence then locks a gaze on you again.
"Hey you.." he changed his tone to a more smooth, lower frequency. His feat take a few steps closer to you.
Butterflies began to flutter in your stomach.
"Looking as beautiful as always~" Louis purrs as he picks you up into a big hug.

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