It was going around 6 pm and I got ready in Devyn's latex short dress. There was a sideways diamond cutout on my stomach and definitely shows MAJOR under boob. I looked good. I did my makeup dark. Black eyeshadow, dark wine-red lipstick. My hair was in beach waves. I grabbed my black heels. I looked in my body length mirror. "I'm going to get fucked tonight" I say to myself taking a picture and posting it on my snapchat with the caption: Good girl by day, stealing your boyfriend by night. Brennen texted me saying he'll be here shortly. I can't believe I told him I would ride with him. I'm such an idiot. My phone dinged with a new message.

Colby: Can't wait to see you tonight!

Me: I can't wait to see you too, Cole.

Colby: But I heard that your coming with Brennen...

Me: I tried to tell him no... he's relentless...

Colby: Yeah, I don't want him to hurt you...

Me: You're sweet Cole, if he tries anything, I'm going to slap him.

Colby: Good to know Ari...

Me: Cole?

Colby: Yeah?

Me: Kat told me not to do anything with Brennen, do you know why?

There was no reply. I felt bad for asking him. I flop down on my bed waiting for Brennen. I look at the pictures that Sam took of us. We look so happy when we are with each other. I wish I was his so I can kiss those lips that drive me insane. I wish I could cuddle with him. I wish I could brush my hands through that hair. I wish I could do so much with him... My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. I sigh getting up and fixing my hair. "Show time, Ana" I say in the mirror and grab my purse. "Hello Bren" I say. He wore a collard floral shirt and his usual ripped black skinny jeans. His hair was up and lookin' like a damn pineapple. "Wow, Ariana you look hot" Brennen looks up and down. "So, do you" I replied I wasn't going to lie to him and say he didn't. "Thanks" Brennen smiled opening the door for me. "Why thank you" I say. I would usually pat his cheek but it only feels right with Colby.

The music filled the silence. "So" Brennen said very awkwardly. "So" I say looking at him. His green eyes almost looked blue. They were really, really pretty. "Who you tryin to impress?" he asked. "No one in particular" I blush moving my hair to one side. "Colby?" he asked. "Would you get offended?" I asked looking at him. "I would be lying if I said I am not" Brennen said sadly. "Bren, it's always going to be Colby" I told him. I know Brennen has a crush on me he's not subtle about it. "I know, it sucks because I know he likes you and I don't want to ruin the bro code we have" he tells me. My face was a stop light. "He- he likes me?" I look at him wide eyed. "Yeah isn't obvious?" he looks at me. "No... not really" I confessed.

We arrived at the Trap House. I took a deep breath and got out. I smoothed out my dress and fixed my hair in the window. "You look fine, Ari" Brennen says to me. "Thanks" I say as he knocks. Colby opens it and his beautiful sea blue eyes looked at me with his mouth agape. "Hey Cole" I say shyly. He looked good. Too good for his own good. He wore a white V-neck shirt, a leather jacket and plaid pants. He had dog tags that hung around his neck. His hair was pushed up and styled messily. Rings covered his fingers which his nails were painted black. Some girl is going to get lucky with him. "H-hey" Colby stutters. Kat and Devyn wore dresses as well. Kat wore a little red dress that kind of matched Sam which wore a black button down and jeans. "Whoaaaa!" Jake's eyes widen. "DAMN ARIANA!" Aaron's eyes widen as well. I spun around and posed. "You look hot!" Devyn smiled. "Thanks to you" I say. Devyn wore a plum colored dress. "You're welcome" Devyn laughed. Brennen and Colby went to talk on the couch.

Everyone turned to me. "What?" I asked. "Did you wear that just to get Colby's attention?" Corey asked. "No, I didn't, I wore it because I want too" I snapped. "You want to fuck Colby!" Jake yelled. "Keep your voice down!" I snapped. "HOLY FUCK YOU DO!" Jake yelled again. I rolled my eyes and went in the kitchen for a drink. I grabbed the shit priced whiskey and poured it in a red solo cup. I hoped on the counter and took a sip. I hate alcohol but tonight I needed it. "Hey" I heard Colby's voice. "Hey" I say looking at him. "You look good" he tells me. "So, do you" I blush. The shitty whiskey is already hitting me. God, I am such a light weight. Colby blushes as he grabbed a red solo cup which was behind me. His face inches from mine. God, I want to kiss him so bad. He pours a shitty priced alcohol in his cup and put it to his lips. "You know, some girl is going to get lucky tonight" I tell him. "Is that so?" he asked. "Yeah" I say. "Is that girl you?" Colby asked. "N-no" my face flushes again.

People began to roll in. Sam turned on some trap music I didn't recognize. "Come on, let's socialize" Colby says gripping my waist to help me down his hands were cold against my bare skin. "Yeah, I'll talk to you later" I smile going to a girl named Kyra which was Brennen's ex-girlfriend. "Hey" I say to Kyra. "Hey girl, you look hot" Ky smiled. "Why thank you" I laugh. We talk for a while. I felt Colby's eyes on me while I'm socializing. I noticed a girl looking at Colby and I. The girl and I made eye contact. I motion my head to Colby giving her an okay to talk to him and do whatever she wants to do with him. Of course, I'm jealous as shit but we aren't dating. "Yo, someone is talking to your boy" Brennen asked draping his arm around my shoulders. "He's not my boy, Bren" I say taking a sip of my drink. "Well, let's dance" Brennen said with a smile as he drags me to the people dancing. My favorite song starting playing. I started to move my hips to Sunflower by Rex Orange County. Brennen's hands were on my hips.

Three songs later Brennen and I were on the couch. Brennen's hands moved up on my legs. "Bren stop" I say pushing his hands away. "Come on, Ari" he says inching his face towards mine. "Bren, I mean it I'm not in the mood" I say getting up but he grabs my wrist and yanks me down. I'm glad my cup was empty. "Brennen stop it" I say pushing him away. "We always make out at these parties" he tells me matter-of-factly. "I'm not in the mood tonight" I tell him getting up again looking for the girls. I couldn't see them. "Just once" he slurred. "No" I say sternly as he yanks me back down and started kissing my lips. I tried to push him away but I couldn't. Damn he was stronger than I thought. "Brennen, come on man" a male I didn't recognize say. He had an accent, Australian, I think. "Come on, Billy" Brennen said as I run away to the bathroom. Colby and the girl were making out on the counter. My heart broke. I knew he looked too good for his own good. I went down stairs to find someone I can talk to. "Hey, Ari" I heard Colby's voice called. I didn't hear him, I didn't want to face him. I knew that girl wanted Colby. I let it happen. "Ariana" Brennen came into the kitchen where I was. "Bren, leave me alone" I say I was completely sober at this point. Billy was holding his friend back. "Brennen come on man, she doesn't want you" Colby said to his best friend. His arm was wrapped around me. Protecting me from his very intoxicated friend. "You need to leave" Corey said hearing the commotion. "Whatever" Brennen stated leaving. I was visibly shaking. Colby held me close. "Leave me be, Colby" I stated getting out of his arms. "What did I do?" he asked. "In the bathroom with that girl, you hurt me Colby" I stated leaving the kitchen and sat on the couch.

Kat and Sam were talking to me but I couldn't stop shaking. "Do you need to go upstairs? You can go in my room" Sam tells me. I just nodded. Kat walked me to her boyfriend's bedroom. "Can you stay for a while?" I asked her. "Of course, Ari" she said shutting the door. "I told Brennen that I didn't want to do anything with him" I sighed. "It's not your fault, Ari" Kat said as tears streamed down my face. "It is though, I thought tonight was going to be different" I told her. "What do you mean?" she asked. "I wanted to get Colby's attention but another girl got in the way... I saw her and him making out in the bathroom" I told my blue haired friend. "Wait, what? Colby pushed her away... That wasn't Colby in the bathroom" Kat told me. "Who was it then?" I asked. Kat just shrugged her shoulders. "Oh god" I say falling back on Sam's bed. "Want me to bring him in here?" she asked. "No, I want to be alone for a while" I told her. "Okay, text us in the group chat if you need anyone" she tells me. "I will" I say I watch her go. God, I'm such a fuck up.

I heard people leave and I got up. It was only 10 pm. I felt better. I had a good cry and Brennen isn't here to harass me. I got up texting the girls saying I'm coming back down. "There she is!" Kat called as I smiled. I danced with Sam, Kat, Devyn and Corey till it was over. I felt good. "Uh-oh, you have someone's attention" Corey said looking at a male who was hot as shit. "Who is that?" I asked. "His name is Jay" Sam said. "Might as well" I say leaving my group and walking over to him. "Hey" I say. "Hey" he stated with a smile. I need a distraction.

I made out with Jay which was okay. He wasn't the best kisser. (Jay, I love you don't get offended). Jay pushes me off and stands up. I was confused. "I know your Colby's girl" he said to me. "I'm not..." I tried to say but he just left. I rolled my eyes and went out to the back. I needed air. Colby was sitting alone smoking of course. "Hey stranger" I say to him. Colby blew slowly out the smoke. "Hey" he said. "I'm sorry" I told him. "It's fine" he replied. "Cole... it's always been you" I told him. He looks at me like I just spit on him. "What?" he asked. "It's always been you, Cole" I tell him.

p.s I know Brennen wouldn't act like this! I stan that boy and I know he wouldn't hurt anyone or force anyone into doing so!

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