Episode 3 - Rough Around the Edges

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Beast Boy woke up to a bright and beautiful day. It had been four days since the tragic events that had occurred on Tamaran, and with the Uranians well on their way to earth, the titans had to find a way to stop them before they arrived. Beast Boy scratched his head and looked outside, finally realizing he slept in. "Oh geez!" Beast Boy jumped out of bed and quickly put on his uniform and rushed out to the common room to meet with the other titans. "Dudes, sorry! I know I totally slept—" He paused. He was surprised to see that no one was working to find a way to stop the Uranians. "Wait. Is today—"

"Yup." Robin spoke. "I mean, we can't work all day and night on this, right? It's important to break, you know?"

The titans were working hard to stop the Uranians, but every two days they'd take a break.

"Phew, that's a relief." Beast Boy looked outside and saw the bright blue glimmering ocean and the city in the distance. "Cool. Well uh, if you don't mind, I think I'll do my break in the city." He told the titans even though none of them were listening to him. He finished getting ready and headed out. He morphed into a hawk and flew across the ocean to the city. He landed and morphed back into his normal form. He landed in the park, and took in the lush, green environment, seeing all the people around him having a good time. He breathed in and exhaled. "Ah! It feels like forever since I've been here!" Beast Boy spent his day around the park, and then saw a movie by himself, and near the end of the day he watched a baseball game. It was well into the evening when he stopped by a restaurant for food. It was the same restaurant where he took Terra on the night she betrayed the titans. He then felt upset by all of that again. Terra was on his mind again, and this time he just couldn't shake it off. He hadn't seen her since they fought that white monster in the construction site. That was six months ago.

The man at the counter was one person away from Beast Boy. "What can I get for you ma'am?" He asked the girl next to Beast Boy.

"I'll have your best pie." The girl replied.

"And for you?" The man asked Beast Boy.

"I'll have what she's having." Beast Boy responded and the man went to go get the pies. When him and Terra came to this place, they had pie. So it felt like a nice way of remembering the memories they had while it lasted. Beast Boy turned to see who the girl was, and nearly fell off his chair when he saw who it was. "T-Terra?"

Terra turned and was surprised to see Beast Boy as well. "Beast Boy!"

"Holy cow! You still remember me!" Beast Boy spoke excitedly.

"How could I forget! I—" By then almost everyone in the restaurant was staring at the two teens. "Beast Boy, c'mon, let's do this somewhere else." Terra told him. She took his hand, giving Beast Boy a somewhat of a love-struck feeling again. They headed outside and kept walking until there were less and less people around them in the streets. "Ho boy, I didn't think we'd meet again." Terra finally stopped walking.

"Me either." Beast Boy replied. The two stood in silence for a moment. "Wait, so what were you doing there?"

"Oh. Well, I kinda missed hanging out with the titans, and I missed hanging out with you. That place. That was the place where we had food. It was the night I..."

"Betrayed us." Beast Boy finished.

"Oh Beast Boy... going with Slade was the worse."

"So... you do remember! This is awesome!"

"It is?" Terra asked.

"Of course it is! I thought Slade must've done something with your memories!"

"Slade? But, the volcano, he—"

"Haha, yeah, it's a long story. I'll explain it all later." He stared at her. "Wait, the last time we saw each other... why did you pretend to forget that you were a titan?"

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