Episode 2 - Preparation for the Unforgivable

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It had only been a few hours since the titans had received the horrible news. They didn't know what else to do other than be there for Starfire, and now the titans were in the common room, and kept their conversation to a minimum, for they really didn't have anything to say. Cyborg was sitting on the couch; Robin was next to him, examining one of his birdarangs, Raven was on the other side of Cyborg, hovering slightly and meditating quietly with her hood down, and Beast Boy was hanging off the back of the couch, arms draped over it. Starfire was in her room because she said she needed some time alone, which, to the titans, was completely understandable. The titans couldn't believe what had happened, and if they had already felt saddened by the news, they wouldn't want to know how Starfire must feel. "Man, I still can't believe all of this just happened." Cyborg finally spoke, the other titans turned.

"Tell me about it," Beast Boy said hanging upside down. "Just a few hours ago everything was fine. Dudes, this is just sad."

"Sad?" Raven opened her eye. "It's downright depressing, especially for Star."

"Well how would you guys feel if your home planet was destroyed?" Robin looked up.

"I already know." Raven turned towards the other titans. "Azarath was destroyed, and I know how it feels, to watch it crumble right before you..."

"... Raven?" Beast Boy spoke.

Raven turned and saw the boys staring in concern. She felt tears and chuckled as she wiped them away. "It was beautiful, and for the time I was there, I absolutely loved it. Sure, sometimes I do miss it, but then I think to myself... I think to myself that I'm happy where I am."

"How did you, y'know, move past it?" Cyborg asked.

"Well, I guess all I really needed was some time. Maybe it's all that Star needs too."

Robin looked back down at his birdarang. "Maybe."

The night carried on for a little longer after that and soon everyone departed to their rooms. Robin stared long at the ceiling, which seemed to be staring long and hard back at him, giving him the impression that everything wasn't okay. 'How could everything go south so fast?' Robin finally sat up, eying all the pictures he had hung up of all his friends. He smiled, for it seemed like only yesterday they had just met in the cool night of Jump City, now look how far they've come. If you would've told the titans' past selves about how they've saved the world countless times, they would've had a hard time believing it. Now whatever Starfire was going through was just another time when the titans needed to stop an enemy from having 'all mighty' power over the world or whatever, right? Well to Robin, this time felt a whole lot different than all the times they've stopped Slade, or when they've had to put up with Mad Mod's silly antics, or how trying to find out who Red X was under the mask started to feel like some sort of game the titans would play with him every now and again. A sickening feeling started in his gut, and it was an awful feeling. He knew that something was wrong, and Robin didn't want Starfire, the love of his life, to be caught up in all of this. So why was he feeling so crappy? Was it because he was worried for what was to come? What would happen to everyone and the earth if the titans failed to what they joined together for? Or was it because he was worried for Star? He couldn't tell, and he couldn't figure it out. The more he thought, the more it made him feel sick. Robin laid back down, trying to distract himself by thinking about something else, but he couldn't dismiss the thought no matter how hard he tried. He had terrible sleep that night, only hoping that tomorrow would hopefully be better for everyone.

"Robin, you in there?"

Robin's mind was all groggy. He couldn't think or see straight. He slept with his uniform and mask on, and to him, it was always such a weird feeling.

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