Episode 1 - The Messenger

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hey guys! before you start reading, i just want you all to know that if some of you have seen this story before, it's because i started writing the story on AO3! my account was porlmethyst. i've decided to move the story from AO3 to here on wattpad because i was hoping i'd be able to gain a wider audience here! plus, the great thing about wattpad the AO3 doesn't have, is that you can read the story offline :') there were a lot of pros to moving the story here, so that's why i did. i'm just letting you guys know so you won't hit up my AO3 account telling me someone stole my story, because it was just probably me :) i'll be updating the story with new chapters on here instead of AO3 from here on out, so if any of you could spread the word, that'd be really helpful! to my new readers, welcome! i hope you enjoy this story as much as i did writing it! :) expect new chapters coming soon! anyways, on with the story!

Beast Boy was running as fast as he could. His team needed him, and he didn't waste a second to get over to where they were. He missed Terra very much, and he wished that she would come through and join him, but she couldn't remember. Now, his team needed him, and that's all that mattered. He finally arrived at the scene with his fellow titans. "Robin I'm here! What's going—"

"Look out!" Robin shouted as the red monster shot a bolt of electricity to both of them.

Beast Boy jumped out of the way just in time to see that they were fighting that white monster from before, although it had now changed colour, and it seemed that it was now fighting with it's full power. It was very strange; the titans had never seen this guy before, so they had no idea who or what this guy was, or what he wanted with them. Beast Boy morphed into a tiger and tried to attack from behind. Unfortunately for him, the monster possessed zero point energy powers, and hit Beast Boy with a beam, freezing him mid air, and knocked him back into a metal beam. He regained his bearings and gave the other titans a look. They nodded back at him and charged at the monster all at the same time. However the monster put up a defense shield before the titans could reach it, and the titans used all their power to try to break through. While that was happening, the monster just stood in the middle shifting its gaze slowly to each of the five titans, individually, and one at a time. After a few moments he spoke for the first time, almost in a robotic voice. "Scan complete." The titans stopped fighting and stepped back. "Identifying as... the teen titans."

"What are you?" Robin asked as he tried to step closer to the monster. Before he could get close enough the monster flew up into the ceiling and crashed through it, escaping in broad daylight. "Where did it come from?"

*events of trouble in tokyo happen soon after because honestly i only realized that the movie was made after season 5*

Six Months Later...

Dear Galfore,

How have things been on Tamaran? We haven't gotten back to your recent letter, and I apologize for that. Things have been very busy on earth; my friends and I have been fighting all the bad people in our city, a little more than usual. Although it is quiet for the moment, my friends and I are ready for whatever comes our way next. I miss Tamaran sometimes, but I know that it is in good hands thanks to you. Hopefully I can come back to Tamaran and see you, I would really enjoy that! I hope you get this message soon.

- Starfire <3

Starfire looked up from her written letter to her guardian to take in the sight that was around her: Beast Boy and Cyborg playing video games next to her on the couch, and Raven meditating quietly on the other side of the room. She then heard the door open with a whoosh, and Robin stepped out of it. He found Starfire and smiled. As he made his way to the couch, she had a warm smile on her face. "Hello Robin, what were you doing?"

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