CHAPTER 29: Some Making Up To Do.....

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I have been sitting beside the bed my sister has been in for the past two weeks since the fight.

She has been heavily sedated to help not feel the amount of pain she was feeling from her injuries and had been on the verge of dying.

Although it was amazing that Mystic had the abilities to mind link and also to read minds, I had wished she was able to heal. As of right now, we are waiting to see if Jade will make it or not.

The pack doctor said that there was only so much that he could do and that the rest would be up to her. I know my sister is a fighter and I'm sure she'll make it out of this too. Then again, who knows.

I have barely gotten any sleep and although I should be celebrating the fact that Enigma, Crate and his men are dead, but it would still feel like a major loss if Jade never recovered and I lost her.

To make things worse, we have missed Christmas and the big ball. Which I can't help but feel guilty about where that was meant to be when I'd announce Mystic as my Luna and would be a very special night. However, again, I haven't been in the mood for celebrating and I know it isn't fair to Mystic how I've been behaving.

The door to the room opens and my over tired eyes look over and see that it's Mystic. She walks in carrying a tray of food and something to drink for me and walks it over to the inn table beside me and places the tray down before rubbing my shoulders.

"How ya feelin' ?" She asks me.

"Alright." I reply tiredly.

"You sure you don't want to sleep in an actual bed?" She asks me.

"Nah. I'm good here. I want to be here when she wakes up." I tell her.

I then hear a big sigh as Mystic lets out a breath.

"Alright." She says.

Then she places a kiss on my cheek and leaves the room, shutting the door behind her.

When watching her leave, I can feel how bad she feels. How saddened she feels for I know not just my sister but the distance I have created with everyone, including her and I feel horrible. Though at the same time, I really can't think of that right now.

Then I hear movement on the sheets and as I look at the bed, I see my sister moving around a little bit and then slowly begins opening her eyes.

She blinks a few times to wake up a little more and then she looks over at me.

"Jade?" I ask hesitantly.

"Dorian?" She asks with uncertainty.

"Hey sis." I smile at her.

"How ya feelin'?" I ask.

"Okay. Just really tired and I feel some pain but, I'm okay. What happened?" She asks.

"We defeated Enigma and his pack." I tell her.

"Good." She says tiredly and sounding a bit hoarse.

"Here, have some water." I offer her my glass and bring it to her lips.

"Thank you." She says. She then looks around the room a little bit and then back at me with a confused look on her face.

"What?" I asked worried she's in pain or something.

"Where's Mystic?" She asks me.

"Oh, she just left not too long ago. She's real worried about you." I tell her.

"Pff. I'm fine." She smiles. "She's an amazing woman." She says.

"Yes, she is." I reply.

"Have you been here the whole time by my side?" She asks.

"Yeah. You were put here the night after the fight and that was a couple weeks ago. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I tell her.

"Well I'm fine. Your ass needs to make up for lost time with Mystic before I help her find herself a new mate." She teases me.

"Shut up." I tell her. I see she still has her sense of humor.

"I'm serious bro. I love you and I appreciate you being here but you need to be with your mate. She's going through a lot. She was before the fight and I know she needs you more than ever right now. Shit, I'd be pissed at you." She says.

"Alright alright. I get the hint." I laugh.

"Good. Now get the hell out, I'm going back to sleep." She says as she turns over in bed.

I smile at her. My sister, how much I love her. I get up and make my way out of the room to tell everyone that she's okay and just needs to sleep. Then of course, make up for lost times with Mystic. I swear, I will never understand women.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

A Luna For ChristmasOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz