CHAPTER 25:.WTF?!?!?

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My pack and I were all getting prepared for the big fight with Enigma in a few days. As one of my Omega's received the information from Crate earlier this morning.

It has been a few days since Mystic found out information about her mother and it has surprisingly made her become much stronger than she already was mentally, in particular.

"I wan't several of the guys surrounding here, including in the woods at all ends and tell us if they see anything. Rather or not it's Enigma and his pack or anyone else, I need to know." I tell Jade.

"Of course Alpha." She bows her head a little at me before walking off to tell everyone what I had just said.

To be honest, I have never felt more nervous towards any other fight before than this one. I never get nervous as much as I am about this one.

I'm not sure if it's because my mate is here or not.

Just the I heard a knock on the door and I looked up and saw it was Mystic.

"Hey baby." I greet her with a breath of relief and a smile.

She smiles as she walks over towards me and stands beside me. She looks like she's worried.

"I'm not interrupting anything am I?" She asks me.

"Of course not. Why, what's up?" I ask her.

"I didn't realize until one of the guys mentioned to me moments ago that Christmas is in a couple of days and we already missed your annual winter'a party." She states.

"Come here." I smile at her as I take her hand and pull her onto my lap and have her wrap her arms around me.

"Now, I wan't you to understand something. There is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING, including a damn party is as important as you. Besides, there's always New Years." I smile at her.

She starts to chuckle a little and then we start kissing that at first starts off as a passionate deep kiss and then becomes deeper and more lustful until we get interrupted by Jade.

"Hey guys....Oh shit, I'm sorry. I will start knocking from now on, sorry." She says as she hides her eyes.

"That would be nice." I remark.

"What's up Jade?" Mystic asks her after she smacks my chest a little. "Don't be mean." She tells me.

"I just wanted to let you know that dinner was ready." She states.

"Thanks. We'll be right there." Mystic replies in between giggles from me kissing her neck as she talked.

"Seriously, get a room!" Jade teases.

"Get a man." I snap back at her jokingly.

"Maybe if you wouldn't threaten them and put them through hell, I would have one that stays." She remarks with a raised eyebrow at me.

Okay, maybe I do take things too far whenever she meets a guy and since she doesn't have a mate yet. But I can't help it, she's my sister and I want to protect her.

"Come on. I'm starving." Mystic then says as she gets up and takes my hand and we head into the dining room to eat with everyone.

We all laugh and have a good time hanging out with each other. Then after sitting there and everyone getting ready to head off to bed, we hear a pounding on the door.

I quickly stand up as does Jade and the rest of the pack and now Mystic. I stare at the door preparing for in case it's Enigma and his pack. Then again, he's more known for surprise attacks than anything.

I cautiously approach the door and look back at everyone before answering it to male sure they're all prepared and a couple of my men, including Jade, stand behind them.

I quickly open the door and am about to hurt whomever it was but quickly stop myself as soon as I see it's the head Elder along with a few other Elders including one that seemed to be bloodied up and looked beaten up badly while being held by a couple other Elders.

"May we come in?" The head Elder asks.

"Of course." I said while backing up so they could come inside.

"Set him down in the middle of the floor." The head Elder states.

The Elders holding the one guy in their grasps, quickly pushes him down onto his knees on the floor and dig their nails into the top of his shoulders.

"Who is this? What's going on?" I ask.

The head Elder looks at Mystic and then down at the guy before starting.

"Tell them! Tell them who you are!" He demands from the Elder.

"I'm the Elder of....." He started but the head Elder then walked up to him and punched him really hard in the face.

"Not anymore! You are a fucking disgrace! Tell them or I will! Either way, you aren't going to see another day of daylight!" He yells.

The guy then spits blood onto the floor.

"What the hell is going on?!" I asked a little more assertive this time.

"This piece of shit and disgrace to our kind is Mystic's real father!" He exclaims. Making the whole room become dead silent.

Next chapter will be posted! :)   So things might not make sense right now but they will. If you're still confused about with her mother and what Mystic found out will be revealed in the next chapter, I promise! :);)

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