CHAPTER 5: At Least Someone Likes Me Here

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Yesterday was a crazy and weird day as I had to move into a new place until it was safe enough to return again back home and finish the requirements for me to become the new Moon Goddess all while giving a fake identity.

Suddenly I begin to remember yesterday and how angry the Alpha had seemed. If it was because of me that he was mad then I don't understand why. It's not like he's has to babysit me per say.

This morning I noticed I was the first one awake and thought I'd make a nice breakfast for everyone and hopefully Alpha Dorian will appreciate it.

After I had just finished placing the last dish of food, that's when everyone came downstairs.

"Oh my god, it smells so good in here!" One of the guys say.

"Thanks. There's more than enough for everyone." I smile.

Everyone sits down at the table and begin to eat. However, it's custom to wait for Alpha first.

"Mmmm....This is so good." Jade moans.

"Thank you." I chuckle. "Where's the Alpha?"

"He doesn't eat breakfast really." One of his Delta's comments while stuffing his face.

His name's Brock and he's the Third in Command aka Delta. He's got blondish hair, that's just below the ears and kind of reminds me of Ross Lynch.

"Hmm..." I start thinking to myself before I decide to make him a plate along with some coffee and take them upstairs for him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Jade tries to stop me.

"Why not? I need to meet him sooner or later and since yesterday was clearly not the right time for that so what better time than right now?" I ask while everyone continues to look at me.

"I think it's a good idea." Brock winks at me.

"I'll go with you." Jade offers.

"No. I can do this and handle it myself." I assure her as I chuckle a little.

"Okay." She says after letting out a sigh. "His room is two doors down from yours." She points.

I begin making my way upstairs towards his room hoping he accepts my little 'peace offering'.

I take in a deep breath and let it out before knocking on his door.

Once I knocked a few times and no one answered, I somehow got the courage out of nowhere to slowly open the door and peek my head inside a little and saw he wasn't in his bed.

Then as luck would have it I see the bathroom door open and out comes this tatted up muscular hot as fuck man that HAD to be the Alpha, with water droplets all over his body and was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. I nearly dropped the tray when I saw him.

"What are you doing in here?!" I snap to reality after hearing a deep voice say.

"Um, I'm Mystic. I made some breakfast and wanted to bring you some so I could meet you and thank you for letting me stay here." I blurt out.

He doesn't say anything but just glares at me for a moment.

"Yeah well.." He clears his throat. "This is only temporary."

"I know." I nod my head.

We share another brief moment of awkward silence with each other before I put the tray of food down on the dresser by the door. Then I leave, closing the door behind me and head down the stairs to join everyone at the table.

Throughout the day, I tried to keep myself busy around the place but nobody let me help with anything because they all said the same thing in that I was the guest and didn't need to do anything. However, I didn't want to become bored out of my mind so I decided to go into the movie room they had and watch a movie.

After finishing the second movie, I heard Brock come in.

"There you are!" He says while plopping beside me.

"I thought you guys were all out doing things for Alpha Dorian?" I asked.

"Everyone is but I finished early. So whatchya doin?" He asks me.

"Not much. Just got done watching a movie." I tell him.

"What movie?" He asks.

"Elf." I tell him.

"Is that the one with Will Ferrell?" He asks me.


"I love that movie. Let's watch it." He says.

"Alright." He smiles at me while reclining back in the chair as we start watching it.

It's nice to know that some people here don't mind me being here.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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