CHAPTER 8: Am I The Only One?!?

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While driving to the spot in the woods, I couldn't help but tightly grip onto the wheel to keep me from snapping at my sister for picking out the outfit she did for Mystic. Not to mention that she wasn't supposed to leave the house. True as long as she was escorted by one of us she could but still, the LAST thing I want is someone that I'm watching and whose supposed to be my responsibility to go to a party that's in the middle of the woods and happens to be thrown by my sister's friends. To make matters worse, Mystic will get a lot of attention from people.

Once we pulled up, after Brock and Jade got out of the car and before Mystic and I got out, I stopped her.

"Wait. If someone asks where you're from or who you are, remember not to tell them the truth." I remind her.

"I know." She says before getting out.

I take in a deep breath and let it out before getting out and we all began walking towards the huge bonfire they had in the middle of the field with music playing loudly and everyone already drinking.

I don't really enjoy things like this but what the hell, I can try to have fun at least, I guess.

"Oh my god, Alpha Dorian!" Edna calls out as she smiles and comes up to me and hugs me.

"Hey sweetie." I smile at her.

"Never thought I would see you here." She smiles.

"Yeah, me neither." We both laugh.

"So where is she?" She asks.

"She's over there." I nod my head in Mystic's direction.

"She is beautiful. Damn, does she like girls?" She asks.

"I doubt it. If she's my mate then.." I began before she stops me.

"Oh wait, that reminds me. I should go and apologize to her from this morning. I hope she didn't get the wrong idea between me and you." She began.

"I doubt it. Besides, even if she was jealous, doesn't matter."

"Oh really? Just like you being jealous is nothing?" She asks me.

"I'm not jealous. We aren't together. Despite the fact I found out we're mates, it doesn't matter. It's just a job and strictly business with her so I can't get involved anyways with her."

"Pff. Please. Spare me that bullshit." She teases.

"Okay, what about you? Did you talk to Emma about how you feel about her yet?" I asked her.

"As a matter of fact I did. We have a date this weekend and she was gonna come with me tonight but had to work." She sticks her tongue out at me.

"Well good. I told you it would work." I smirk.

"Yeah, whatever." She laughs off.

We both start heading off towards everyone and I say hi to everybody as they all tell me they're surprised to see me here and never thought they'd see the day.

I keep an eye on Mystic all night while trying to keep my distance and not seem too obvious that I'm keeping an eye on her.

I then notice that a song comes on and Brock asks her to dance. She takes his hand and they start dancing together and then I notice Brock looking out the corner of his eyes at me and grins then looks back at her.

"He shouldn't be touching our mate!" My wolf tells me.

"He can do whatever he wants. I can't do anything about it." I remind him. "I can't go against the Elders orders. He'd have me confined."

"He doesn't have to know. Even if he found out, you can explain to him that she is our mate." He says.

Then before I have a chance to say anything else, I notice her looking at me and smiles. Why is she smiling at me?

I then notice Brock saying something in her ear and then takes off. She then comes walking over towards me.

"Wanna dance?" She asks.

"I don't dance." I tell her as I take another drink from my water bottle.

"Oh come on. It's a party, let's have fun okay? Forget I'm someone you have to watch or whatever you want to call it." She slurs a little.

"Are you drunk?" I ask.

"No. I was just asking if you wanted ro dance, shit, didn't ask for a damn lecture." She suddenly does a 360 and snaps back.

She turns to start walking off and I grab her hand and turn her to face me and we both look into each other's eyes for a moment neither one of us saying anything.

"Fine. You want to dance? Come on then." I tell her as I take her hand and we begin walking towards where everyone is dancing and I first spin her out and then pull her back in hitting my chest hard before moving my hands down and around her sexy as hell curves as we are still very close to one another's still.

She turns to where her back is against me as she starts moving her hips and grinding against me with her beautifully round ass causing me to get hard. So I turn her quickly back around to face me so that she didn't feel it as we continued dancing until the song ended.

Once the song was over, we both were staring into each other's eyes again like we did moments ago, again not saying anything. At least with our mouths. But our eyes were telling us both something.

Does she know we're mates and just doesn't want to admit it? Is she not a wolf? Why do I get the feeling I'm the only one that feels the mating pull between us? Or is she just afraid to feel or doesn't want to feel anything for me?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
So as you all probably have already guessed and figured out that the girl that she got jealous of before was Dorian's gay friend. :):)

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