Arc 2: Getting The Job Done

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"You need to hold him down!" Sarada ordered, pushing Kankurō down with her free hand and maintaining the pressure until the medics grabbed him again


"He was really in pain and He was on the verge of getting hysterical. So I did what was logical and necessary just to calm him down. This procedure, from what I know can eat up a lot of anyone's time."


Gotta pour my chakra into his body, Sakura tried to concentrate despite the screams of pain. She focused past the painful sounds Kankuro couldn't hold in and allowed the bubble to sink into the joint between his shoulder and his arm, straight into his heart. She could feel how the muscle was slowly weakening. "Sarada," she said warningly to the girl.

"I got it," Sarada answered, sinking her bubble into his bloodstream.

Purge the toxins from his cells and force it to the surface, Sakura tried to picture the toxin floating up and being sucked into the bubble. Draw it into the bubble, and extract it!

She moved her hand up and pulled out the bubble, this time with remnants of the poison in it. On the table's other side, Sarada did the same, but quicker. Unlike Sakura who was dealing with the delicate heart organ, Sarada had to move quickly or the kidneys would have collapsed from the poison. She moved her hands in an almost hypnotic way, but Sakura didn't look away from her mission.

"What's that?" Temari looked at the bubble in Sakura's hand. "Is that the poison?"

Sakura didn't answer, making quick eye contact with Sarada, who nodded. She counted to three in her hand before completely taking out the bubbles simultaneously with Sarada.

The moved the bubbles into empty pots and went back to work. "Another!" Sakura commanded.

"Right!" The medics nodded and replaced the medicinal waters on both sides.

Sarada was already inserting the bubble again when she froze.

"What is it?" Sakura stopped her hand before she inserted the bubble on her side.

"The poison," Sarada frowned. "I can't find it."

"What do you mean, you can't find it?" Temari asked in a panic.

"It's because it became to thin. I can't feel it," Sarada explained.

"That's not good," Sakura clenched her teeth. "If it's in his bloodstream, it can get to his heart, fast."

"I know," Sarada nodded. "If only I could see it-" she suddenly raised her head as if she had an idea.

"Do you have anything?" Sakura asked her, noticing the determined look in her eyes.

"I might," Sarada said unconfidently. "But I need you all to close your eyes."

"What?" Temari asked her in anger. "This is no time for jokes!"

"It's not a joke," Sarada's expression became surer and surer. "I need you all to close your eyes."

The medics looked at Sakura, waiting to see what she decided. Sakura looked at Sarada, who gave her a pleading look. Nodding, she closed her eyes. She didn't see what happened next, but it seemed as though all the others closed their eyes too.

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