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Sorry guys i decide to rewrite this to get a better story and to not copy UnOrdinary i felt that was wrong and immoral so i decide to do this rewrite and i hope you will find it better so if you could please comment if you guys want anything specific and with that Author signing off

Izuku Midoriya was never diagnosed quirkless just that he would be a late bloomer. The doctor told the truth but still the bulling from his old best friend and his unpatient parents abandoning him at 7 quickly after they deemed him "useless,worthless,a pathetic piece of trash!". The cold asphalt stung him as he fell to the ground after what seemed of days just walking. His parents had left him and he started believing that he was useless and worthless. He shook the feelings off quickly as just kept walking.His eyelids started to hang as the melatonin in his body started to take over. BOOM! The ground shook and someone is sent straight through a wall next to Izuku.In that moment his body's adreanline kicked in. He analyzed the guy quickly just from the brief scene. He felt stronger like he could do anything after that. The man however noticed the boy and quickly grabbed him. The mysterious man looked shocked as Izuku started listing off personal details like his name and quirk. He was so caught up by the chrade he didn't notice the pure black energy draining him. Izuku's face kicked up a chesire like grin. A blonde hero quickly socked the suited man. He then grabbed Izuku and moved him away from the fight. Izuku could only watch on in excitement and fear. He saw every single move every single ability used and analyzed it like his brain was in over time. He felt power and knowledge as he saw the fight other people might not be able to catch up but for Izuku it was a cakewalk. His eyes shined a bright green. He finally caught a glimpse of the Blonde haired hero and quickly figured out the name ALL MIGHT. His eyes widened as he saw his favorite hero but something sparked him at that moment. All for one as he was revealed or Suit Dude quickly saw a opening in all might's style and exploited it. Izuku's body moved on his own as he shot a pure black energy blast at All For One and it hit the target with morphed into flames burning his face. He was quickly slapped away by a air blast from suit dude. His head pounding as he slid down the wall. He damaged All For One and it gave All Might opening. The battle of fists and kicks was only a miniscule sound compared the pounding he felt in his head. He drifted to sleep slowly his mind racing processing information.

*time skip a day*

He awoke to the beating lights of the Hospital Room. He heard people talking about his health and condition. They stopped when they saw his eyelids flick open revealing bright green eyes."Mr.Doe could you tell us your name please we need it for the record." The doctor asked the now wide awake Izuku. He looked around the room but stopped as he saw a buff figure."I am Izuku my parents threw me out on the streets so i will no longer use the family name." He answered. The blonde haired figure eyes widened showing bright blues ones that could instill hope or fear depending on the situation."I know you just woke up but can i ask why."The blonde haired figured booming voice clapped as he asked the question."My parents are pathetic unpatient trash that couldn't keep up with my dream to be a hero or being bullied or even waiting for my quirk to activate so they threw me out that day i helped you Mr.Toshinori." Izuku answered cheerily."So you are telling me even if you had just awakened you quirk you jumped in and tried to help me." Yagi asked again."Yes sir my quirk all though i dont know the entire list allowed me to analyze the fight and people i think it even gave me your quirks but in a refined way i have no clue about your but i for sure some how took that suited mans quirks i didnt get all of them more like a quarter the rest seemed like a glued down power chest waiting to be stolen by force or opened it was weird." Izuku replied. "If you will excuse me." All might stood up and beckoned the doctor to follow him. The two had a quiet conversation outside of the room. The doctor walked back into the room as All might sped off."Alright Izuku we are going to bring our quirk doctor in and she will try to figure out the basic scope of your quirk." The doctor told the young boy much to his excitement. A woman walked in and pulled up a chair next to Izuku. Her hands glowed as she quickly found his quirk factor and read it aloud." TBD This quirk allows the user to analyze and copy someones quirk,ability, or just information and then refine the ability or quirk to his own disrection. He can mix and match if we wants there are many things he can do. He currently has 237 quirk already do to a quirk know as ALL FOR ONE.". She quickly stopped her quirk and beckoned the doctor to her. she whispered something Izuku couldn't understand. She quickly moved out of the room after that she had other patients to get to."Well Izuku your quirk is very powerful but there are many things that we still don't know untill you are further trained with them so i suggest just trying to analyze objects and such a low power to get it to your best. i know it might be confusing now but youll get the hang of *knock* i will be right back."The doctor was cut off as All Might burst into the room." I'M HERE WITH ADOPTION PAPERS!!!!!!" All Might outbursted. Izuku's jaw just dropped he saw his name and now his new last name Yagi. "Wait so what?" Izuku was speechless. "Well if you were disowned by your family and don't have one let me take you in i have a big enough house so what do you say?" All Might asked."YES!" Izuku yelled loudly as his fear and what felt like past suffering faded away.The doctor chose to speak up at this moment "Well its clear he sustained no physical damage and due to his actions you didn't either all might so with my clearence you guys are free to go.". Izuku felt like he could jump up and down at this very moment. He quickly looked down to his dirty clothes with some blood on his shoes."Can we get some new clothes for me Mr.Yagi."Izuku chirped up."Please call me Dad Might and i will have my sidekick get some for you but lets get home first." Dad might replied and with that they were sent on there merry name with a very excited Izuku and perfectly healthly All Might. The happiness from the scene lifted everyones spirits. Izuku's Heroic Journey had begun

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