~Chapter Thirty-One~

Start from the beginning

"If..." My brows scrunching as I struggled to form the words, "If 'da bad guys need o-our powers, wh... why do 'dey have to get 'em all?" 

She let out a sigh as she carefully chose her words, "'Leave one wolf alive, and the sheep are never safe'." 

I let out a confused sound, before pulling a face at mama. 

"Mama, I 'dunno what that means." 

"Darling, you won't understand today, but one day you will understand that in war, you have to wipe out everyone, or else even just one person can come back for revenge. That is why we have to hide, so when they think the war is over, we make our move."

"'Dat wasn't 'hefful"

"What did I say about pronouncing our words?" She shook her head, "Correct the sentence for me." 

"T-th-that wasn't he-helpful."  I let out a giggle as I blew air through my missing two front teeth. 


"Interesting remark. I find truth to those words." He said, stroking his sharp chin as he contemplated. 

"Exactly what a true Queen would say. Guards." 

My heart soared, a smile gracing itself upon my face as I looked towards the little girl in glee. 

She was safe, her smile mirroring mine. I doubted she knew the extent as to what was going on, but nonetheless, she was happy. 

I glanced towards the guards standing next to the little girl, waiting for him to release her arm. But he didn't. On command to the King's word, he got in position, his stance poised and ready. 

But for what?

"As the Princess commands." 

The world froze, my gut falling towards my stomach. Before I could even gather the air to scream 'stop!', he had already pulled out his sword. 

It all happened in slow motion. I could hear screaming but I wasn't sure if it was my voice or hers, but she was thrown to the ground, her small frame startled as she fell. Her soft teddy flying out of her arms, just out of reach. But that wasn't her concern as her eyes remained glued on the armed guard that had viciously thrown her. 


But it was too late. The sword had came down. Her cries of fear immediately ceasing into a quiet gurgle. 

I could hear ringing, my eyes closed instinctively as I screamed. 

I knew I was screaming now, my throat burning in anguish. I could hear another voice.

"Eirya! No!"

But I couldn't hear her voice anymore, as the area surrounding us began to fill with the screams of horror and pain as each of the guards lining the wall began the onslaught of arrows down at the villagers. 

While the archers shot at the people, armed guards with crossbows and swords raced into buildings, pulling people out by their hair before ending their lives on their doorsteps. 

Blood began to soak the ground, staining the blooming gardens a bright red. 

I wasn't sure if I was breathing anymore. Was the pain in my chest from devastation or lack of air? It didn't matter anymore. 

Nothing did. 

I could feel the unstable collapse of the realm's equilibrium. 

Nothing mattered anymore, because I was never going to be able to leave. 

I was trapped, and I had killed hundreds of people around. 


"Alannah... what have you done?" 



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Realm Drifter: Cruel KingWhere stories live. Discover now