Sindria Pt 1

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Jasmine POV

It was morning in the Purple Leo Tower, where Sin, the generals, and I live in. Yesterday night I was finally able to finished telling the story of Sin and I, one of our greatest challenges. I'm just glad I was able to help Alibaba from beating himself up after we had to force him from his home.

After getting dressed with the help from the maids, Jafar was there to greet me as we strolled down to the docks to gather. " Today is the day he comes home." Jafar reminds me, as I filled up with a sense of excitement. Resting my hands on my growing belly, sounding very sassing "As if you need to remind me. I can't wait til he comes back to do him paper work and mine for awhile. Ohh it'll be sweet revenge for leaving for so long Muhaha!"

A deformed sounding laugh escaped my throat. My brother gave me a quick glance and chuckle " ah right, you had to do everything since he was gone. He deserves whatever you see fit, my Queen."

We finally make it back to the dock where they ring the bells, signaling that the King has arrived back home. "His majesty, King Sinbad has returned home!" The town people shout and scream. I smirked as I finally get my sights on the man who left for three months and now returns back in one piece.

"Welcome home Lord Sinbad" the general bow and I just walk up to greet him. " welcome home, love." He smiles reaches for my cheek and bring my face in for a gentle, and much needed kiss. " Also good to come home to you, Jazz."

"So tell me, how is Alibaba and the other holding up." Sin asked, we were on our way back to the office when me and Jafar sighed at the same time, " it was a strugglers first but in the end..."

I grabbed hold of my husbands arms as we walked responding, " at first he locked himself up in his room. He was in livid about what happened."

"Let me guess, you told him stories? Ever since I've known you, you've always been a fan of stories." Sin concluded. I entwined my hand with his, " yeah well it took a long time for them to get comfortable still. I ended up just telling them stories about the past and our adventures."

"Now they are as cheerful as ever" Jafar finished reporting. Sin sighed in relief, " I see... that's great to hear. Good job, both of you."

"Sinbad! Jasmine!" A shout was heard from the outside court yard. Sin turned to see Alibaba but only much...MUCH more chubby. "A-alibaba! Long time no see, ... too long I see." He muttered under his breath while giving me and Jafar a quick glare.

"Yes, thank you again for helping out me and my home. I'm indebted to you and Jasmine, especially her cooking! It was the best I've ever had!" Alibaba said with gratitude. I only nervously giggled as I tried to get away from the scene. Though being pregnant makes it a bit difficult to get around quickly.

I was stopped by Sins hand, him waiting for an explanation. "Jasmine..." I rubbed head and look over at Jafar for a bit of help, in the end he only smirked at my misery. "Well you see darling...IT WAS ALL JAFARS IDEA!"


"He's the one who suggested bringing them delicious food and homemade cooking! Ya know to make them feel better and make them feel at home! I was tricked by that vile man there~" I said, honestly trying not to laugh at the shocked and betrayed looked Jafar was giving me.

Sinbad only sighed at the weird antics of ours. "You all need help..." he muttered and walked away.

"Oh, there is one thing else you should know about the's Aladdin specifically." I said trying my best to catch up, but thankfully he noticed and slowed down.

"That's right...I forgot about him." Jafar said while sweatdropping. Sin looked confused at our expression and before he could even asked, he saw the boy who was once Aladdin downing two thick chicken legs in one bite.

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