Balbadd Pt. 5

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"Alibaba left to fight the palace?! Why would the idiot do that?!" Jasmine yelled in the hallway. Jafar just informed her and Sin about Alibaba leaving late last night and to fight for the country and he's been fighting monsters and needs help.

"Sin What should we do?" Asked Jafar, he looked tired but ready to fight.

"At this rate, we won't be able to solve this politically, it'll be problematic...Sin you have to leave to save him. Take Masrur, I'll watch over Aladdin." Sin was about to protest leaving her unprotected, but he look gave him the final answer.

"...Fine, but you must not leave the building! Do you understand Jazz? I don't know what will happen if something happened to you and the baby"

Jasmine's Pov

"Of course, now go!" They nodded before leaving the building and I headed up to where Aladdin rested softly in a coma

Jafar came in behind me with new water for Aladdin, I looked out the window. Please be safe, I feel so useless like this...but I know it's for a good purpose...You'll always be a good reason my love, but sweet unborn child.

"Agh!" I heard Jafar shout behind me, It was Aladdin, he was surrounded my the Rukh, it was so much we could see and feel them.

"What exactly is wrong with Aladdin?! The Rukh has gathered to much that we can see it!"

"Aladdin!" I ran over to the unconscious boy to help him, "Jasmine! No!" Jafar was getting pushed back from the Rukh while they parted way for me to reach him.

"I can't just do nothing Jafar!?" I finally reached the boy and as soon as I made contact, the hysteric Rukh dispelled and vanished. "What was that..."

Jafar ran over and check on Aladdin, "he...he has no pulse?" I felt a warmth on my hand and saw that Phoenix was glowing, trying it gain my attention. "Jafar, he's fine. I can't explain it but I have this feeling" He looked stress and worried over the young boy, which is understandable, no one should die this young.

" do you know for sure. I think we should get some help just in case, you stay here!" He turned to run but I grabbed him, " no, I can deal with Aladdin, you need to go help your King. I have a terrible feeling about this." It was a moment of us staring at each other before finally he gave in. "Fine, stay here. I'll be back."

" yes Mother" I joked and waved goodbye. I sat down next to the pale bluenette, but instead we of watching him I felt myself be pulled into a slumber.

No ones POV

Once again Jasmine was face to face with her Djinn, Pheonix. He looked calm as ever knowing that the boy he asked her to protect was laying down, not breathing. "What happened to him Pheonix. How do you know he'll be fine?"

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