Balbaad Pt 3

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No one's POV

Time has passed since Sinbad and Alibaba went to the palace to try and solve their differences, only to come out empty-handed. Sin was walking down the hallway with his wife sighing, it was time to tell the people the results from today.

"It'll be okay Sin, if I know you, you'll figure out a way to solve this problem," Jasmine said, her hand together with his, swinging back and forth.

He gently smiled, "Yeah, this is just so tiring. Seems everywhere we go there is trouble." She laughed at the truth in the statement. It always ended okay, but still was tiring.

Jafar and Masrur left ahead to get the prince and his friends. Jafar was walking in front the of group thinking to himself, I wonder if Jasmine is with Sin...

Last he saw her, she was sleeping in her room after the small battle on the roof of the hotel. He felt terrible about her hand, but everyone knew she's been through worse to cry over something so petty.

They walked up to an area nearby, some of the citizens were gathering around, Alibaba walked up next to Sin and Jasmine. Jasmine's eyes caught her brothers in a moment, she gave him a large grin, "Hey! Aren't old men suppose to be asleep by now? Don't push yourself too much, you don't need to get a stroke."

Deadpanned, he glared, "I can't believe I was worried about you..." he muttered walking away.

Jasmine laughed looking at Sin and Alibaba walking forward to talk.

"Today negotiations...failed." The crowd shouted in protest, shouting it was all over and there was no hope left. Alibaba looked down, he thought it was his fault. He should've done more, somehow, someway.

Jasmine placed a hand on his shoulder,  whispering, "Don't stress over this one defeat, ever reform doesn't work on the first try."

Sin continued to talk about how it wasn't over yet, there was still hope, also how if they got kicked out of Balbaad that Sindria would take them in.

Jasmine and Jafar choked on their spit, "W-what?" Jafar asked quietly. Jasmine muttered to herself about how their small island country couldn't handle more people, it would lead to an economic breakdown.

Sin smiled slightly at his wife and friend before replying, "I can handle whatever comes our way! This is why I created my country, to help those who need it!"

The people felt hope and pride grow in their chest, there was a chance left. They weren't being abandoned and they had hope left. As Sin walked down to talk to a few of them a shout caught their attention, mainly a certain King and Queen.

"Hey, Sinbad and Jazz!"

A black hair magician floated down with a mischevious smirk. Sin pulled Jasmine behind him, Jasmine whispered to a few people around her to quickly get out of there. She didn't have a good feeling seeing the Magi here.

"What are you doing in this part of town, Judal? Who sent you, Kou or the King of Balbaad?" Sin asked, Jafar and Masrur slipping next to him.

"Huh? Haha! I have no interest in stuff like that, you should know that. What I like is war!" He glared, challenging towards him. It's been awhile since he had a good fight, he wanted to see how much stronger he got.

Judal caught a speck of movement behind Sin, instantly noticing the familiar rukh and a how it's corresponding to another kind.

"E-eh?! Jasmine, don't tell me you're knocked up?!" Judal yelled, magically appearing behind her. Everyone spun around watching Jasmine narrow her eyes at him. 

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