Sindria Pt 2

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Síndria was beautiful as ever, the bird were singing and the clouds were on a vacation. Jasmine was sitting, drinking some tea with Jafar who was finishing up the last of paperwork.

"I've been thinking about the nursery, I think we should keep the baby in our room." Jasmine said. Originally the baby was to be kept in a room seperate then theirs so they wouldn't have to be careful about waking them up.

"That can be arranged, though what do you wanna do with the room then?" She poured herself another glass before corresponded, "Let's keep it as a playroom. We can keep a crib in there for cases when the baby can't sleep with us. Or if we're gone and you need to babysit~"

"You gave me your work, now you want to give me the responsibiliy of a baby. I think not." Rebuttled Jafar, rolling his green eyes at the crazy woman.

"Such and Old man, Uncle Jafar~" She teased, "Maybe we should think of a cute nickname for you, something easy for a baby!"

"I dont think the baby will be able to talk for awhile Jazz..." 

"You know what I mean! Oh! What about Jaja?" She looked up from her tea at her brother, who just gave her a deadpanned look, "Jaja? Really?"

"Fine,fine..."She thought for another moment before coming up with another great idea, "What about jiffy! or Jaffy!?" He rolled his eyes, ignoring his sister, as she continued to make nicknames for the rest of the Generals.

"My, what are you two up too?"

The siblings look over at the enterance, spotting the familiar scaley man, known as Drakon! "Ah! Uncle Dra! That will be you're name!"

The man only paused at the overly excited woman, glancing at her company who only returned it with a shrug.

"Okay...Well Lady Jasmine, there is something I wanted to talk with you about. They day the birth is suppose to happen, we are planning on having security heighten, but preperation won't be set until the day before. Incase were you give birth before the date, I was planning on placing you with Yamihara, and most likely Sir Jafar in a protected magic circle."

Jasmine listened as Drakon continued to explain the protocol for the protecting of the baby. Though since it's likely for her to give birth before the date, there is a risk of secuirty. "I understand. I'm sure all will be fine, but im case that does happen, I will inform Sin about the changes and protocol."

Saying a quick thank you, Drakon turned to leave to his next destination. Jasmine sighed back into her chair, eyes closed. "Gosh, Between meetings with Yam-chan about the risk of birth, and Drakon for secuirty, It can make someone nervous about anything."

Jafar gave Jasmine a pity look, He sure as hell was glad he isn't in her shoes. She must be getting it from everywhere, everyone was worried about the baby. It is the first royal Prince in Sindrian History, they all want it to be perfect but safe.

"Give them a break Jazz, they are worried for you and the baby as well. They are just trying to help." She nodded, she understoof why they were doing it, she wouldn't have it any other way, but still. "It's just a lot to take in sometimes. I always dreamed this day would be happy, stress free. But now I'm worried about people attacking, and problems during birth."

She took a long sigh before getting up, slowly may I add. "Anyway, It's time I met up with Sin. Thank for the Tea and talk. At least we figured out a baby name!" Her and Jafar smiled, "I'm glad to help. Get some rest. No Working!"

He called out as she left the room, his only indication she hear was her laugh.


Goodnight my angel, time to close your eyes

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Goodnight my angel, time to close your eyes

And save these questions for another day
I think I know what you've been asking me
I think you know what I've been trying to say

Sin was finally finished with work and was searching for his beloved. He sent Aladdin and Alibaba to train with the generals, and now he wants to comfort his wife and baby brings him.

I promised I would never leave you
Then you should always know
Wherever you may go, no matter where you are
I never will be far away
Goodnight my angel, now it's time to sleep
And still so many things I want to say
Remember all the songs you sang for me
When we went sailing on an emerald bay

As he turned the corner to the garden, one of Jasmines favorite places to be. He heard the meliodous tunes of her voice. 

And like a boat out on the ocean
I'm rocking you to sleep
The water's dark and deep, inside this ancient heart
You'll always be a part of me

She was singing, craddeling her stomach, and walking along the flower path. Sin leaned against the wall watching her in her moment.

Goodnight my angel, now it's time to dream
And dream how wonderful your life will be
Someday your child may cry, and if you sing this lullaby
Then in your heart there will always be a part of me
Someday we'll all be gone
But lullabies go on and on
They never die

That's how you and I will be

As the song finished she took notice of him watching her. "Sin! How long have you been there?" he shook his head as he apporached her.

"Not long, long enough to realize how much I love you" He wholeheartly said. She smirked as his charms, "Chessy boy."

They laugh the moment together as they headed back inside of the tower. It was starting to get late, everyone was asleep or heading to their chambers.

"So, acording to Yam-Chan, the day is ready. There won't be any problems during the birth. Also Drakon said he had a plan for if the baby came early, or on time. All is going to plan, smoothly~" She rested her weight against Sin as they made their was down the hall.

"That's good, so you gave Yam-chan that paper that came from the North?"

Jasmine jumped, at Sin comment, "Wait, you knew the context of the paper?"

He only smirked as he helped her up a few step, "Of course, do you expect me not to realize you always get mail from the north. More then me actually." He joked.

"So you weren't worried? You aren't mad I didn't tell you?" She asked, worried. That's usually something you share with your husband, but it turns out he knew before she did!

"Hm? I knew you would share with me if something really was wrong. Beside, I trust Yamihara to take care of you."

A breathy laugh past, and they finally made it to their room. Sin's job was to help Jazz getting ready to bed, and in the morning now. It's routine now for the couple.

"So me and Jafar picked a name, but we wanna keep it a secret for the birth. I'm sure you'll love it." Jasmine said. It's a secret from Sinbad and the rest of the Generals, Jafar and Yam  excluded, about the gender of the baby.

"I see, can't wait to meet the little rascal! I'm sure they'll be a great sailor, like me!"

"Or~ they could be the one stopping you from leaving work all the time. Taking that from me!" 

Battling out who the baby will take after, ended as a yawm escaped Jasmine's mouth. 

"Goodnight, love." Jasmine snuggled up to Sin's arm, that was around her body. Sin gave her a sweet kiss on the forehead, before flipping the lights,

"Goodnight, Jasmine."


Lonely_Tomato here, School is starting soon for me and I wont have the time to write a much. I sucked at posting to begin with ...sry


I have the next few chapters plotted out, i'm just waiting on my final decision on the gender and name of the baby/babies (as many recommended) 

I'm not gone! though i'm thinking about ending the book soon...probably up to where the next season starts...not sure yet

I've been thinking about another book though, im excited to start it and i've already written like 4 chapters for it.

It's for... BNHA or My hero Academia! I've posted the first chapter, but I'm still working on the plot!

Thank you again for being patient, and I promise I WILL FINISH THIS BOOK!

Lonely_Tomato out!

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